Smiling Fish Kaka | Popular | 连载中
Chen Meimei was 180 cms tall with rolls of fat all over her body. When she walked, she would jiggle left and right, like a big pumpkin. Fu Bainian was a handsome man with a tall, slender build, and wherever he went all eyes would follow him. He walked in the spotlight and lived like a movie star. When their parents proposed marriage, Fu Bainian sneered and thought to himself, ‘she’s a toad wishing to eat swan meat’. He firmly rejected any thoughts of marriage. But then&h.e.l.lip; “Hey look, President Fu’s following Chen Meimei again!” “Isn’t President Fu slapping his face at this point?” Great President Fu had a bitter expression on his face. He had no choice! Who decided to let the person that he’d secretly loved for so many years be reborn into the body of such a fatty?!
269.51 Words | 2024-08-04 19:54Update
Liu Yang was a common employee, he had no perspective for his life. He only lived in a common and ordinary way, he had fun when he could. However, everything changed during his journey to work. There was a police chase, and he was shot by mistake. When he wakes up, he discovers that he is in the other world and that he could have a new chance at life in a different world from the previous one. At that moment he begins to think about the best ways to live the new life as much as possible.
444.47 Words | 2024-08-04 19:53Update
Inma No Hado is a unique and interesting novel published as an online book on NovelOnlineFull. The story is written by an unknown writer, however, he or she makes quite a nice combination of several exciting genres that fit very well with each other. For instance, you can read parts of this novel related to romance, supernatural, harem, mature or school life among a few other genres. There are also several hundred chapters already written and published, but the end is not included and it has yet to come in some of the new updates. As you can conclude, the book is still in the ongoing phase of writing which means it is not completely finished. Committed readers, however, can begin reading Inma No Hado novel from the start, so they can later simply follow the story to the end when new chapters arrive. Inma No Hado novel is quite new, and it is important to mention. The last updates were provided recently, so the author currently works on the development of the content. The public is satisfied with the story, and the rating is above 4 stars. Many readers are, however, still unfamiliar with this book because of the recent time of the publishing. That's why there are not so many votes on this story. The main plot of Inma No Hado book surrounds the character of a timid science teacher who works in a high school. However, one night he had an interesting dream that mysterious power is provided to him by a supernatural force. When he wakes up a strange desire takes over his body. He wanted to seduce all the beautiful girls in the school where he works as a teacher. Of course, this can be quite interesting but also pretty problematic because he is quite older than his female students. The readers, fortunately, have a chance to discover what happens next. But they have to start reading the story, of course. It is the only necessary thing they have to do if they want to find it the continuation of Inma No Hado novel. There are definitely a number of exciting twists and turns, so they can have an opportunity to enjoy while following the teacher's actions through the novel. To start reading, you have to be a registered member of the NovelOnlineFull website, and that's the only requirement a reader has to commit. If you are not familiar with this reading platform, you should not worry at all. The place is user-friendly, so you will most likely have no problems while surfing the website. The registration procedure is completely free, and you can join the website. It also provides some other nice opportunities, so you have a chance to rate the story and help other potential readers by informing them about the book's quality. If you choose that option, you should be as honest as possible. The votes are really helpful, so you should keep them that way.
438.62 Words | 2024-08-04 19:52Update
Idle Fish Goes Ashore | Popular | 连载中
A 30-year old Chinese NEET is reincarnated into the body of an otaku that choked to death on instant noodles. What a way for this new body to have died! Well, since he can live again, he doesn’t mind. After reincarnating, he now possesses a system where he can increase his own stats! Oh, not bad, thumbs up. This system even has a gamebreaking ability to save and load in real life! Mm, let’s label it as use carefully. In this new world that’s like a 2-D game, he just wants to live a good life, and head for a glorious future&h.e.l.lip; but first, let’s lose some weight.
1,108.86 Words | 2024-08-04 19:49Update
I’ve been receiving 3 creepy pictures in the mail every three days. After setting off to find the source, I found myself trapped living in a ghost house. The more answers I get, the more questions I have. What did I do to deserve this?
277.41 Words | 2024-08-04 19:49Update
Fang Xiang | Popular | 连载中
World of Cultivation is the tale of a disgruntled young man and his quest to be the best farmer he can be, at least if it wasn’t for those annoying people who keep getting in the way of his pursuit of agricultural excellence.Will conspiring forces turn him into a sword cultivator, or will he manage to throw off the shackles of fate and grow the best darn crops in the sect? Those air-headed cultivators dream of too much nonsense and don’t know how to live properly, they need to get a real job to earn some jingshi for a living like a normal person.
1,922.13 Words | 2024-08-04 19:48Update
Idle Fish Goes Ashore | Popular | 连载中
A 30-year-old Chinese NEET is reincarnated into the body of an otaku that choked to death on instant noodles. As he comes to grips with his new life, he realizes that this world is subtly different from Earth. The denizens of this world are far better looking, and this new world also possesses futuristic technology as well as mysterious Yin Yang masters! After reincarnating, he realized that he...
784.98 Words | 2024-08-04 19:47Update
Blue Star Year 2019, the alien invasion of the Blue Star. The planet has been transformed, air, gravity, magnetic field all sent changes. Air and water are highly toxic and polluted. In order to adapt to the environment, human beings and organisms have embarked on the path of gene evolution."I, soldier Steve Washington, hereby vows to protect mankind, bring hope and light to mankind, fight...
229.02 Words | 2024-08-04 19:46Update
I Eat Tomatoes | Popular | 连载中
Tahun 2056, di sebuah kota di area Yuan Jiang Su Jin. Di atas reruntuhan, Di atas apartemen perumahan enam lantai yang hancur berantakan, duduk seorang remaja dengan rompi tempur, celana militer, dan sepatu tempur campuran. Di punggungnya terdapat perisai heksagonal dan dilengkapi dengan pisau pertempuran darah-bayangan. Dia duduk diam di tepi atap. Pada saat itu, langit bersinar dan ada udara menyegarkan...
262.29 Words | 2024-08-04 19:24Update
Jing Wu Hen | Popular | 连载中
Peerless Martial Good is an interesting and long novel currently published in an online version. The book is a mixture of several different genres including action, drama, romance, fantasy, and martial arts among others. If such novels are favorite for you, then try not to avoid this one. There are many chapters, currently over 2210, so a potential reader has to read plenty of content. You should not expect to finish it fast, but it is definitely worth it. Peerless Martial G.o.d is very well rated, thanks to its popularity. You can find hundreds of positive votes, and millions of views. So a 5-star rating was somehow expected, but it is not easy for a book to maintain such a high evaluation for a long time. Still, this book has succeeded, and the fact only testifies on the quality of the content. The book is published on, and you can find it there. Of course, you will need an account if you want to read it but it is not a big deal to make it. The registration procedure is user-friendly and completely free. It can take several minutes from you, and then you are ready to start reading. The story's plot is based on the life of a hard-working and good guy called Lin Feng. He is trying to be kind and helpful to all, but people are sometimes ignorant and ungrateful. Lui has experienced such behavior from other people an at moment he wanted to stop it. The crucial situation was when he figured out that his girl was taking advantage of him due to his kindness and good deeds. He has done so many good things, so he is aware of the fact that he should be respected much more by the people around him. For instance, Lui has studied hard and achieved remarkable successes during that period. He did everything he could to make his family proud and avoided problems whenever he could. However, he did not succeed with the intention to stop the rude behavior of other people toward him, and they continue making plots against him. The police arrest him soon, so he is taken to the court for the crime he did not commit. Still, the judges do not believe in his version of the story, so they sentence him to stay ten years in jail without the possibility of premature conditional release. He is now in new problems, and they significantly multiply from the beginning of the story. Others have exploited his good soul and accused him of the crimes they did. The wish for revenge starts developing in his heart and soul, but he is still in prison, and it is hard to do anything from that position. Still, there are various twists and turns ahead of this plot, so it is recommended to read this novel in order to find out more about future events and happenings. The book can provide a lot of excitement and enjoyment to the readers, and it is a good motivation for all to check it out.
2,999.80 Words | 2024-08-04 19:24Update
Goose Five | Popular | 连载中
– I, a mere mortal, a humble man! I’m called Mo Wu Ji! I want immortality!
1,730.85 Words | 2024-08-04 19:23Update
| Popular | 连载中
The World Online summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The World Online. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
1,510.81 Words | 2024-08-04 19:23Update
Sing-Shong | Popular | 连载中
This is the story of a man who refused to return to the past even after everyone else did
213.12 Words | 2024-08-04 19:23Update
MEIKYOU Shisui | Popular | 连载中
Hotta Youta is killed while returning home from work on a cold evening. He wakes up being carried by a bunny-eared woman! Featuring Reincarnation, Guns and Harem, its a Gun vs Magic Story that gives Hotta Youta a new life… and an edge!
200.03 Words | 2024-08-04 19:22Update
Fengling Tianxia | Popular | 连载中
Legend of Ling Tian summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Legend of Ling Tian. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
1,186.62 Words | 2024-08-04 19:20Update
Anthony Pryde | Popular | 连载中
Nightfall summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Nightfall. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
2,209.17 Words | 2024-08-04 19:20Update
Xiao Qi Ye | Popular | 连载中
She, Gu Ruoyun, a famous good-for-nothing in the country of Qinglong, orphaned, born weak, the shame of the general’s household, was eventually beaten to death by her own grandfather after a dispute with others where she did nothing wrong. After opening her eyes again, leaving behind that weak body, she’s no longer the good-for-nothing miss of yesterday! Holding an ancient treasure within her body, contracting the four mythical beasts, even the top experts of Qinglong are fighting to become her attendant&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; Pills? That’s nothing, she can refine a handful anytime. Are low level spiritual weapons that strong? Even her subordinates use high level spiritual weapons. You have a high level spiritual beast? Sorry, she already has an army of sacred beasts behind her dominating all! Only, can anyone tell her, what’s up with this powerful devilishly handsome man! Why does he keep shamelessly pestering her, and refusing to give up!
827.64 Words | 2024-08-04 19:19Update
The death and destruction swept the world after the Catastrophe! The Earth was ruled by the rules of jungle as the law and order were part of history. He woke up from the deep sleep. This crazy world was reflected in his golden right eye; One person in the abyss of the darkness!
333.71 Words | 2024-08-04 19:17Update
“The son of G.o.d Gula has returned.” I was lost in the world of gambling. I turned my back on my family and even betrayed my lover. I wasted every day of my life. It was a life of trash. The reality told me thus: That I would amount to nothing no matter what I did. In order to change my pathetic life, I chose fantasy, instead. Even then, it was the same story. I wondered if salvation would come at the end of the long road. But, I was forced to kneel down in defeat in front of a powerful ent.i.ty. The tower I built up with my own hands crumbled into nothingness. Just for once, I dearly wished to know the truth about myself. – Come closer, my child&h.e.l.lip; I will not hold back this time. . . . . Seol was a gambling addict, a loser, a despicable human being. But, one fleeting dream that may not be a dream at all reawakens his once-lost senses. Possessing a very unique ability, he will use that, and the dream, to forge his path in the world now known as the Lost Paradise.
232.18 Words | 2024-08-04 19:08Update
Masamune Huji | Popular | 连载中
Being called out by his sister, Hida Kizuna visited the Strategic Defense School Ataraxia. He met with the girl manipulating the magic conducting armour (Zeros), Chidorifuchi Aine. All of sudden, in front of his eyes, Aine was removing her clothes. “Don’t look, you pervert!” “No, it was your fault right!?” To the unfortunately sharp tongued Aine, Kizuna couldn’t help but be confused. However, there, a critical mission’s communication arrived. And its contents――to ma.s.sage Aine’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s!? In fact, ecchi acts from Kizuna have the power to power up the girls. With that power the future of the fight with another world was at stake!!
381.32 Words | 2024-08-04 19:07Update