
十里寒棠 | Fantastic | 连载中

神医女富豪陈锦棠竟然穿到年代文中,成了小小女配,而且被亲妈强塞了个傻子老公。 谁知傻子竟是个大福星,他头顶的闪闪金光,竟能助力陈锦棠空间升级。 短短一年,陈锦棠那漆黑潮湿破烂的空间升到顶级,自动生成灵泉、灵山、开发探宝功能、自动囤积物资……就连她前世的超级豪华大别墅、最富现代化的实验室也能在空间自动复制……陈锦棠金针扎啊扎,治好傻子的傻病。 咿,傻子老公竟然是京市的豪门贵公子!而且爱她如命!陈锦棠乐得跺脚:这下赚大发了!

212.47 Words | 2024-11-17 05:25Update


玖月禾 | Fantastic | 连载中


182.06 Words | 2024-11-17 01:08Update


仙人掌心 | Fantastic | 连载中

(评分刚出,后续会涨)【成长型女主】【男主纯坏种】【双洁】【游戏类型包括生存类、恐怖类、规则怪谈类……】\n一趟诡谲的时空巴士在异时空穿梭......\n姜颂从没想到自己的社畜生活会结束在下班的这天,想要在恐怖的生存游戏中活下去,她必须完成每一场游戏任务,不能出错。 \n原本就危险重重的游戏中,姜颂却突然被一个NPC盯上,直接提升到地狱级难度,更可气的是无论哪局游戏都能碰上他。 \n游戏最初。\n一把锃亮的砍刀悬在姜颂的头上,刀的主人沈听肆脸上挂着诡异冰冷的神情,落下的瞬间,动作止住,他不受控制地收起刀。 \n姜颂回头,表情温和:“你在干嘛?”\n沈听肆咬牙切齿道:“我在帮你修理分叉。”\n姜颂看了一眼手里的吸引力卡牌,被绑定者:沈听肆。 \n她笑了笑:“你要是闲的不行,来帮我剪个脚趾甲。”\n后来,吸引力卡牌不再作用到沈听肆身上,但沈听肆还是每次都会找到姜颂,别的男鬼靠近她时,沈听肆冷着一张脸掐着他的脖子:“那是我老婆,滚远点。”\n【女主外表软妹子,三观正,金手指或大或小,这个因人而异,我觉得还可以,至于男主,腹黑霸道,完全没有三观,全靠女主硬掰。 虽然是求生游戏,但恋爱也是要谈的。(男主后期死恋爱脑)】

154.82 Words | 2024-11-17 01:07Update


笑得牵强 | Fantastic | 连载中

【无敌战神+铁血军魂】纯爽文,不憋屈。\n美女总裁萧雨轩,为了抗拒家族的逼婚,酒吧买醉,被富少陆一鸣下了催情药,偶遇公司小保安陈东东,美女总裁强推了陈东东,事后,却给小保安招来了横祸,未婚妻退婚,富少派人追杀,总裁家人要杀人灭口,总裁却拉着他要让他对总裁负责,他一个小保安负得起这个责任吗? 更意外的是,小保安被退婚后,整个白云城有无数美女倒追,有美女警花,职场白领,大学校花,美艳少妇......

228.84 Words | 2024-11-17 01:07Update

New York Blues

Eric Brown | Popular | 连载中

New York Blues summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of New York Blues. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

15.70 Words | 2024-11-16 22:53Update


陆肆儿 | Fantastic | 连载中

乔惜从小在乡下长大。父亲去世,母亲改嫁。成年后,无良母亲接她回城替继姐出嫁。 她被迫嫁给双腿残疾,不孕不育的霍家废物二少。新婚第二天,矜贵清冷的男人慢腾腾地掀起眼皮说:“离婚或守活寡,你选一个。”乔惜直接扒了他的西装裤,摸上他紧实性感的大腿:“我选第三个!”后来,她一手针灸妙手回春,治病救人! 残废老公竟是隐藏的千亿首富,被她治好,更让她肚里揣个宝!权贵名流求医问药,趋之若鹜。 欺辱她的人后悔不已,跪求放过。更有豪门贵妇红了眼眶,上门认亲! 原来她本该千娇万宠,只因有人偷了她的人生。便宜老公美滋滋:老婆是个宝,谁娶谁知道! 乔惜揉着腰咬牙切齿:当初是谁清心寡欲!这分明就是个会勾人的男妖精!

486.34 Words | 2024-11-16 02:48Update

Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

天运老猫 | Popular | 连载中

Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword G.o.d is an interesting novel of several mixed genres. The story combines action, fantasy, and reincarnations, so if you like to read any of these, then the book might be a nice solution for you. This story is currently published in an online version on NovelOnlineFull, and you can find it there. It has received hundreds of mostly positive votes, and that’s why it has maintained a high rating on the website. This is a popular novel considering these facts and the number of views. So you have an opportunity to enjoy the experience of reading too. It is also important to mention that this is a long online book that receives frequent updates. It currently has more than 1950 chapters, and the number is constantly growing. That’s good for people who like to read such stories because there are always new events and happenings. Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword G.o.d is an interesting novel of several mixed genres. The story combines action, fantasy, and reincarnations, so if you like to read any of these, then the book might be a nice solution for you. This story is currently published in an online version on NovelOnlineFull, and you can find it there. It has received hundreds of mostly positive votes, and that’s why it has maintained a high rating on the website. This is a popular novel considering these facts and the number of views. So you have an opportunity to enjoy the experience of reading too. It is also important to mention that this is a long online book that receives frequent updates. It currently has more than 1950 chapters, and the number is constantly growing. That’s good for people who like to read such stories because there are always new events and happenings. The main character called the Sword G.o.d has started the living game again. He was already there in the past, however, he is not controlled by others this time. His fate is in his own hands, so he can manage his life whatever he wants. The Sword G.o.d also has an opportunity to move up in ranks, thanks to the new abilities he possesses. He is powerful than before, so he can take advantage of that fact. Still, the adventure hides different mysteries, and some of these are potentially dangerous. They can create many problems, so it is important to be prepared. For example, money is also important in this story just like in the real-life, and there are fortunately some opportunities to make for a living. The Sword G.o.d has even a chance to earn much more than that. So he might become rich during this life.   But the enemies are also there, and they can try to prevent his success. To win his battles, he can use different martial arts techniques and powerful fighting equipment, which is provided to him in this story. There are also legendary quests, and they can provide some benefits if they are completed successfully. At moments, serious battles begin, and they can involve many people and warriors. It is exciting to readers, however, some of these are potentially traumatic considering the possibility of ma.s.sive tragedies during these fights. So the readers have to be ready for such an outcome too. But the Sword G.o.d makes frequent life advancements through this story, so he stays unbeatable most of the time. At moments, he can be at great risks, but it does not last for too long, and he typically succeeds to manage every situation in his advantage.

3,866.36 Words | 2024-11-16 02:20Update


落、秋 | Mystery | 连载中


1.12 Words | 2024-11-16 02:10Update


高中生妖梦 | Sci-fi | 连载中


0.90 Words | 2024-11-16 01:40Update


pericles | Sci-fi | 连载中


3.29 Words | 2024-11-16 01:40Update


XiiAoJiia | Sci-fi | 连载中


2.31 Words | 2024-11-16 01:40Update


学会仰望的咸鱼 | Mystery | 连载中


1.28 Words | 2024-11-16 01:40Update


Narrators | Mystery | 连载中


0.46 Words | 2024-11-16 01:40Update


真羽杰 | Sci-fi | 连载中


4.56 Words | 2024-11-16 01:39Update


梦想追逐者 | Mystery | 连载中


0.48 Words | 2024-11-16 01:39Update


飞扬吧我的夏天 | Mystery | 连载中


0.89 Words | 2024-11-16 01:39Update


aixs | Mystery | 连载中


1.14 Words | 2024-11-15 23:48Update


叶良辰 | Sci-fi | 连载中


1.79 Words | 2024-11-15 23:40Update


花枝科触手姬 | Sci-fi | 连载中


1.21 Words | 2024-11-15 04:05Update


无敌二 | Sci-fi | 连载中


0.12 Words | 2024-11-13 19:20Update