Chapter 1549: [Bonus Chapter]A Great Day For An Anxious Man
Exiting the train, a man no older than 26 promptly left the small station.
District C.
This was exactly the place he wanted to be. There were uncountable government buildings scattered about, as well as several sites for the many academies and schools the Royal capital had.
And on a far corner, one could also spot the main hospital.
Each district had several clinics and hospitals, but the one he stared at was the largest.
Of course, the police official headquarters was also located in District C (with the police training academy found in District B not too far from the prisons.)
Each district also had several police branch offices, as well as fire stations, gas stations, etc.
With how far the royal capital city was, each district mostly maintained itself.
And for where the anxious 26-year-old man was going, he needed to get there fast.
The man woke up from his stupor.
He had to admit that the newly elected building not too far from the train station was enough to stop a flying ball in mid-air.
'Just how did they do it?'
The man shook his head wryly, feeling by now, he had asked himself such a question no less than a thousand times.
Oh no!
The man quickly looked at his watch before rus.h.i.+ng to the bus station as fast as he could.
Time was going.
And with his gray suit on, Cyprian gritted his teeth, das.h.i.+ng past the already busy walkways.
"Excuse me... Coming through... Excuse me, please."
Very politely, he bypa.s.sed many.
The bus stop was but a 2-minute walk after stepping out of the train station.
Yet the walkways between these points were fled with streams of people following back and forth. Some ran, some walked casually, some stood at the corners, and some squatted.
Cyprian threw his head high, getting a glimpse of the bus driving forward from behind him.
It was here! His ride was here!
Time for his most explosive run.
His muscles bulged, and his body swayed amid the crowd with precision.
He didn't even think he had powers within him.
Maybe it was his illusion, but he felt he was moving faster than time and could even catch 50 arrows in midair with his super speed (All in his head).
The bus doors opened.
And the heavily breathing Cyprian jumped in after showing his bus pa.s.s.
He got in and found no seats. But that was okay.
The bus he stepped on was a double-decker bus. So even if there weren't any seats, there was enough standing s.p.a.ce around, though not a lot.
Cyprian stood at the far back, wiping his sweat and trying to look presentable.
This was his first time in Baymard.
And to ensure he knew his way today, he had tested out this same route to and fro his destination and his apartment residence no less than 3 times.
He... It would be a lie to say he wasn't nervous as h.e.l.l!
He, a dark-toned person from the empire of Gallia in the continent of Romain, couldn't express how shocked he was when he arrived at Baymard 6 days ago.
And for a moment, he thought he died and was now in heaven. That was how blown away he was.
From the magical doors that open on their own to the moving rooms (elevators) that take one up and down a building, Cyprian was left convinced Baymard was a heavenly empire.
For the past few days since his arrival, he found an apartment in District H (the residential district for foreigners if they planned to stay for longer than a couple of days.)
But what was he really here for?
Why was he here in Baymard from Romain?
To see his children, of course!
This was the first week of August. School was back on track, with this period being orientation week.
One should know that for U.N empires like his, parents could work hard and pay the tuition from their prospective empires.
Trustworthy people were scattered in various parts of these memories with the help of the Baymardians, who showed them how to run matters concerning the school properly.
At the moment, some Baymardians were in his empire of Gallia. At the same time, some of his people then had come over alongside the Gallian amba.s.sador to intern in various government offices, particularly those involving agriculture and transportation.
In this world where poverty reigned supreme, everyone's first thought was agriculture.
What to do during famine? What to do when plagues like the yellow chewer sweep their crops, turning them sickly yellow and dry?
Without food, everyone would die no matter how strong they were.
The armies need to eat, workers need to feed, and households need strength to go about their days.
Of course, with greedy monarchs kicked off the throne and those with good hearts put in place, the many U.N empires united to decrease poverty in their territories.
As the bus swayed along the bubbling streets, Cyprian smiled when thinking of how efficient these Baymardian were at handling these matters.
For them simple folk, all they hoped for was to never get duped.
And at the end of every month, he would rush to the collection officers, paying 30% of his earnings to them.
Of course they in turn would not only give him a signed and stamped receipt but also an estimate of what he had left to pay off.
From there, the money would find its way back to Baymard.
So from the start of April last year, he had been paying his children's tuition.
Cyprian's firstborn, Moj (10 years old), and his last born, Maggie (7 years old), were sent to school last September with fully paid tuition for the first semester.
The tuition varied depending on whether one was in preschool, elementary school, or Junior high. Also, one's status could affect the piece too.
Take for example Maggie and Moj's cases.
Maggie was 7 years old, an elementary school girl and Moj was 10, also an elementary school boy.
If they were Baymardian, they would pay 1,800 Bays for each semester.
Treaty-signed territories paid 2,650 BAYS, and those from non-treaty signed territories would pay 3,200 BAYS instead.
For Cyprian, he had long begun keeping money aside to pay for their tuition. And even if it wasn't completed, his children would still apply for educational loans via the Gallia amba.s.sador in Baymard.
The premise is that after they reached the official coming of age, 15, they would have to start working here and pay off everything they owed.
This was one option.
Another was for one of their parents or family members to temporarily stay in Baymard and work with paying everything off in installments.
In the end, there were a lot of roads one could take to pay the tuition off.
Additionally, scholars.h.i.+ps and many opportunities to lessen the tuition did arise now and then.
For Cyprian, his children studied Pyron for a year before taking the official language examination to determine their proficiency.
And sure enough, the ancients were indeed scary people.
Cyprian's children, as well as many, adapted fast to learning Pyron, though to an oral beginner level.
Indeed… They made many mistakes when talking, maybe because they were nervous, or perhaps because they hadn't had enough talking experience.
Either way, their reading and comprehension were at an intermediate level despite this fact.
And relying on the many Baymardian learning ca.s.settes, books, and teachers, many adapted quickly.
And the moment they pa.s.sed the official language exam, they were then qualified to head to Baymard and further their studies.
Of course, they also had an official math examination finis.h.i.+ng on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Everyone was expected to know this much to enable them to learn bigger matters like fractions when they got to Baymard.
Of course even Cyprian and many others learned Pyron, hoping to visit this famous place during their children's study time here.
But why?... Why was he here today?
'Didn't I eat?'
Cyprian felt the b.u.t.terflies in his tummy rumble.
At this point, he had to admit his nervousness was slowly getting the best of him.
Today, he was here for something the Baymardians called a Parent-Teacher Conference!
Conference… So formal…
Cyprian felt the pressure already.
Depending on the school term: fall, summer, or Winter, the parent-teacher conference would be held either at the beginning of the semester, mid-way past the semester, or at the end just before the final examinations.
And it was just so-called that this semester, the parent-teacher conference was taking place at the start of the semester.
The bus doors opened, and Cyprian jumped out, nervously adjusting his clothes.
'I hope I look presentable.'
With his anxious fingers, he wiped off any layer of sweat with his hanky.
So… So big…
The school, no matter how many times he saw it, looked like a heavenly studying ground for the most elite of elites.
He didn't want to embarra.s.s his children by showing up looking unprofessional.
Breath in, breathe out.
Taking deep breaths, the young Cyprian clenched his fists in determination to look das.h.i.+ng enough for his children.
Too bad his wobbly feet greatly contrasted his firm upper body.