Chapter 760
Chapter 760: Chapter 177- Trinity – Talking With The Children (VOLUME 4)
I sipped on the water throughout the afternoon. When I was hungry again, long before dinner, I had Abigail bring me something to eat. I have to tell you that Abigail was more than happy to see me. And she brought me more soup and one of those protein smoothies. I am guessing that they were all following the doctor’s orders that he gave at some point yesterday.
That was fine, I would endure the soup for now. It was good, and I knew that soon enough, I would be able to eat real food. Soon, my pallet would be done with this torture and then I can feed myself really delicious food.
“Thank you, Abigail.” I smiled at her when she set the food in front of me and took a seat. She was going to feed me like the others had.
“I am so happy that you are feeling better, Queen Trinity. And that you have awoken. We have all missed you these last three months.”
“I have missed you all as well.” I smiled at her and took the bite that she was offering me.
We spoke a little bit while she fed me and soon the food was all gone. And when I finished off the smoothie, Abigail took the dishes and left the room. After that, I was left to my own devices until Reece got home with the kids. Then I would have my chance to see them and talk to them all one at a time. I think I will start with Reagan, since he is the oldest and therefore should go first.
When they all got home, I had Reece and all three kids running into the room to see me. Apparently, they wanted to turn it into a race. Reece normally would have won, he was older, bigger, stronger and faster. However, he let the kids all beat him so that they would be happy.
“Momma! I was the first!” Reagan was happy since yesterday his sister had beaten him.
“Yes, you were, my sweet boy.” I hugged him gently. “After you change,do you want to talk to mommy, just me and you, before you do your homework? After that, I can talk to Rika and then Talia.”
“Yes! I want to talk to you, Momma! Just me and you! And I can sit with you too, right?” He was way more excited than I thought he would be.
“Yes, baby boy. We can snuggle in my bed together. Why don’t you go and change so we can talk. Rika, after you’re done with your homework, we can talk. Talia, mommy will talk to you after that. Is that okay?”
“Yes, Mom.” Rika nodded at me.
“Yes, Mommy. I want to snuggle you too.” Talia bounced on her feet before running out of the room to change her clothes and wait for her turn.
After a moment it was just Reece and me in the room. He was smiling at me as he came over to kiss me on the cheek.
“So, this is your plan to talk to Talia alone, huh? Mine was taking them out on their own special days to make them feel better. But this is perfect for you right now. And they want some alone time desperately. I am happy to see you doing all of this for them. Just remember though, tomorrow you start that physical therapy all the way.” He not so subtly told me that he had given me a day off from it so that I could see everyone. Even though he knew that Griffin would yell at him for it.
“I know. And thank you, Reece. I was happy to see everyone. It was really helpful.”
“Alright. I will go change really quickly. That way I can leave you alone when Reagan gets in here.” He kissed me again and started to head into the closet.
“Uh uh. Change where I can see you.” I stopped him with that command and he laughed.
“As you wish my lady.” He bowed in an overly pretentious way and got his clothes from the dresser. He also made sure that he locked the door so Reagan couldn’t come in during my show.
Watching Reece slowly undress before my eyes was so perfect and so amazing. I couldn’t get enough of it. I just wanted to keep watching him but, before long, he was down to his boxer briefs and there was nothing left for him to take off.
“These stay on for now.” He laughed at me. “I don’t need you fainting on me or anything.” He laughed. “But I can give you another show before my shower tonight.” He winked at me.
“That sounds like a plan to me.” I know that I had to be grinning like a fool, but I didn’t care. My husband was s.e.xy as h.e.l.l, and I wanted to see him. Even if I couldn’t actually touch him right now. I could still enjoy the view.
Just as Reece got done dressing himself, there was a knock on the door. Reagan was back.
“Momma!” He called out for me, and Reece opened the door. “Why was the door locked?” He sounded sad, almost like he thought that we weren’t going to talk.
“Daddy had to get changed, buddy. That was all. Mommy is here for you to talk to now. I am going to finish up some work now, okay?”
“Alright!” Reagan didn’t even look back at him, he just ran to the bed and jumped onto the foot of it before climbing up to sit next to me and snuggling under the blanket. He was so warm, so soft and so adorable.
“My little boy.” I nearly cried the words as I forced my weak arm to move around me. It was difficult, but I managed to clasp my hands around him and hold him to my side. It was still a gentle and weak hug, but it was a hug, nonetheless. And he seemed to be enjoying it.
“I love you so much, Momma. And I missed you more than I can ever tell you.”
“I know, baby boy. I know. And that is why I want you to tell me everything that you did while I was asleep.” I saw his face light up. He just wanted to spend time with me. I don’t think that he really cared what he did with me right now, talking, just hugging me, watching a movie, anything would have sufficed right about now.
“Well, Rika and I both tried out for the play before you left, and we made it. The play was a sad one, and we both kind of didn’t want to be in it anymore because you were gone, but Daddy said that we made a commitment, so we had to stay in it. It was hard, but when it came time to perform for the people, everyone loved it. They said that we were really good actors because we played sad people so easily. They just didn’t know that we really were sad and we just couldn’t tell everyone why. Then, for a little bit, my grades were getting bad because I was sad. Daddy sat down with me every night and talked to me. He would help me with my homework, and we would just talk like you and I are doing now. I knew the work, that wasn’t the problem. I just didn’t want to do it anymore because you were gone, Mommy. It was really hard not having my mommy with me. I would talk to Daddy and Rika all the time. And Talia told us that you were in the underworld with our brothers. She calls the underworld the ‘underwear’ world. I thought that was funny, but I didn’t let myself laugh. Anyway, when Talia first told us about the brothers, I didn’t believe her. I thought that she was lying to me and just making up a story, but then Daddy said that it was true, and I was so shocked. I am happy to have some brothers. I think we need some more boys in this family. Now there will be more boys than there are girls and that makes me happy. We boys can get strong and protect Mommy, you and Rika and Talia too. I will teach my baby brothers how to be strong, and I will show them that they don’t need to be scared. And if they are ever scared or sad, I will be there to make it better, like Daddy was for me.”
When Reagan stopped talking, it looked like he was out of breath, but he was smiling so happily. He was just going on and on as he told me all of the stuff that had been happening in his life. He started again, only this time he wasn’t talking so fast. Instead, it was more of a give and take in the conversation. And, by the time that we were done, I could tell that he was feeling a lot better.
“Mommy?” He called out to me one more time. “Can.. Can we sleep in here with you again tonight? I want to know that you are here for me when I wake up.”
“Yes, sweetheart, you can. You can sleep in here until you are certain that Mommy isn’t going to leave you again. I promise you, sweetheart, I am here to stay. And I will always hold you in my arms, even when you’re all grown up and as big as your daddy.”
“Will I really get as big as Daddy?” He looked happy when he asked me that.
“Oh, I am sure that you will.” I grinned at him as I pressed my cheek against his hair. “I know that you are going to be Mommy’s big protector. Just like you want to be.”