Chapter 540: Physical Therapy
Berengar stood by Henrietta's side, as he helped her walk on her own two feet since she had first taken a bullet to her abdomen on that fateful night. Though there was no serious harm done to either the girl's spine, or her major internal organs, some muscle was damaged, and required time and effort to heal.
The two siblings grasped onto each other's hands tightly, as the girl struggled to make her steps. With each movement, her abdomen felt sore, causing her to wince in pain. However, as time pa.s.sed, the pain left her body, and she strode forward with confidence. Towards the end of the session, she relied only a bit on her brother for support.
After helping Henrietta take her first steps since her injury, Berengar carried her to her room like a princess, where he laid her back down on her bed. Just when he was about to walk away and get to the work that needed to be done, he felt the girl grasp onto his hand, and refuse to let go.
"Big brother, stay with me for a bit..."
A satisfied grin appeared on Berengar's face. He never could deny one of his darling little sister's request. Thus, he sat down on the mattress next to her and stroked the girl's silky golden hair. As he gazed into her light azure eyes while holder her ivory cheek with his palm, he could not help but comment on the princess's beauty.
"My sweet sister, you have grown so beautiful over the years. I must admit I am ashamed to have not noticed it until now..."
Henrietta blushed when she heard this word, and attempting to conceal her embarra.s.sment with the covers that she lie underneath. Such a meek action brought a smile to Berengar's face as he kissed the girl on the forehead. However, such a gentle action was not satisfying enough for the young princess, and thus she revealed her luscious pink lips as she pressed them against her brother's mouth, entangling her tongue with his as she dragged him on top of her.
For some time now, ever since Henrietta first awoke, Berengar had wanted to be intimate with Henrietta. However, she had been too wounded to attempt anything. However, by enticing him in such a manner, he could no longer restrain himself. He quickly slipped his fingers beneath the covers and into the girl's soaked panties, revealing just how much she wanted this.
Berengar kissed his sister pa.s.sionately as he played with the entrance to her cave of wonders, causing her to pant between gasps of air. After she was well prepared, he disrobed, where she followed suit. For the first time in a long time, the two stared at each other's naked bodies with differing expressions.
Henrietta gazed upon her brother's bountiful muscle, and ma.s.sive shaft with shock, covering her mouth as she could hardly believe how much he had grown since he was the sickly boy she had grown up with. She could not help herself but to reach out and grab hold of the large stick that was standing erect as its owner stared at her naked body with a famished expression.
It equally surprised Berengar to see how much Henrietta had grown in the last six years. She was taller and thicker than both Adela and Honoria, but smaller than Linde and Yasmin. It was almost as if she was the perfect middle between his four brides.
Seeing such an unspoiled meal before him, Berengar could not help but partake. He pushed Henrietta down on to the bed as she stroked his c.o.c.k, and suckled at her pastel pink nipples, as if he was trying to drink from them. Unfortunately for him, the girl could not yet produce milk, still that did not stop his relentless attack on her twin peaks.
After several moments, a brilliant idea formed in Berengar's mind as she s.h.i.+fted their positions, dragging his sister on top of him as he hovered her rear over his head. He instantly licking at her lower lips, which caused the girl to cry out in shock.
"Big brother!"
Despite her protests, he did not relent, and before long Henrietta responded in kind, licking at Berengar's mighty shaft as if it were the tastiest lollipop before trying to insert its length into her mouth. As someone who had no experience with such amorous activity, the princess failed to achieve her aim. Despite this, Berengar did not care. He was a simple man to please.
Seeing that she could not deep throat the entire length of her brother's rod, Henrietta elected to wrap her sizeable b.r.e.a.s.t.s around its girth, and please her man with a t.i.tty f.u.c.k. It became a race between the two adopted siblings to see who could make the other climax first. In the end, Berengar, with his enormous experience, forced Henrietta to squirt all over his face before she could even come close to making her brother c.u.m.
The Princess breathed heavily as she collapsed on top of her brother; she had never felt such pleasure before, and mistakingly believe it was over, that is until Berengar got up from under her, and positioned himself on top of her with his c.o.c.k lined up towards the entrance of her p.u.s.s.y.
Before Henrietta could react, Berengar had pressed his lips against her own before thrusting his length inside of her, claiming her virtue, and causing her to bleed onto the sheets. She did not have the time to expect the pain such a thing would cause. However, she did not yelp in agony, instead she focused on the sensation of her brother's tongue twirling against her own.
Before long, the pain was replaced with pleasure, and Berengar moved his hips with much greater force, causing the girl to repeatedly cry out in pleasure.
"Big brother! Big brother! Don't stop, big brother!"
Berengar felt a mult.i.tude of emotions as he ravaged away at his sister's insides, though they were not siblings by blood, the fact remained that they had grown up together in such a manner, and because of this there was a hint of guilt in his mind about doing such a thing with his own sister.
However, as a true hedonist, this guilt only enhanced his pleasure, causing him to climax much faster than he would have with any of his other wives. Without warning, he released a large load of his thick white substance inside Henrietta's womb, causing her to squirt all over him. After doing so, he collapsed on top of her, with his shaft still inside of the girl.
Normally such an intense workout would cause his wives to quit, but Berengar had awoken something inside of Henrietta that did not exist in his other wives. Perhaps it was because they were related, but she had a libido to match her brothers. Thus, she quickly ground her hips against Berengar's, causing him to do the same.
With a smug expression on her face, Henrietta began to whisper in her brother's ear something that invoked the compet.i.tive spirit in his heart.
"Don't tell me you're finished so soon. Your wives told me you had great stamina. I guess they were wrong."
Berengar would not take such an insult to his manhood lying down. Instead, he nibbled on the girl's ear in response, before whispering to her his own words of enticement.
"Challenge excepted, my sweet little sister, I am not letting you go until you are once more unable to walk!"
Henrietta moaned in pleasure as Berengar once more thrust into her with fervor. She joked at her brother as she accepted his length with excitement in her eyes.
"Then it looks like we're going to have to continue our little physical therapy sessions for some time..."
In response to this, Berengar flipped the girl around and took her from behind as he pushed her head into the pillow while yelling his commands to her.
"Arch your back more, there you go, that's a good girl..."
As if the duo could not be satisfied, they kept at their "physical therapy" for some time. When it was finally, they were both so exhausted that they fell asleep in each other's arms. Berengar had finally taken the first step of making his sister his mistress. It would not take long for his wives to become aware of this reality, and when they did, there would be h.e.l.l to pay.
As for Henrietta, she had finally gotten what she always wanted, for her precious big brother to spoil her like n.o.body else, and all it took was getting shot. She supposed she had the to thank for this. If such a thing had never happened, she likely never would have confessed her feelings to Berengar, and he never would have realized he shared them.
Still, she hoped deep within the depths of her heart that everyone who was responsible for her injury would get a cruel and unusual death sentence for their crimes against the Royal Family of Austria. After all, n.o.body loved or supported her big brother more than than the princess, and she would do everything in her power to ensure that anyone who made the man she loved most cry would be thoroughly punished.