Home Popular Feng Yu Jiu Tian

Feng Yu Jiu Tian Volume 1 Chapter 17

Feng Yu Jiu Tian Feng Nong 6125 2024-08-01 19:53
听书 - 唐朝好驸马
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  Terrace (for agriculture): Using slops by carving tiered platforms to cultivate crops. The design allows maximum usage of sunlight, decrease soil erosion and harnessing natural water run-off.  They look amazing from a plane too!




  The two men rushed out of the palace, galloping away into the fields. Feng Ming’s spirit was completely uplifted. There was no trace of the shadowy darkness, as he suppressed the unpleasant thoughts into the back of his mind.  

  King Rong’s horsemans.h.i.+p was worthy of envy, as he held his lover with one hand, he maintained the reins with the other, speeding into and challenging the hurtling wind.

  As cold gusts of wind lashed continuously, the pair remained carefree as the thrill was exhilarating experience.

  Feng Ming head peeped out from under the cloak that the King had tightly wrapped around him like a bundle. A large goofy grin was painted across his face as he released shouts and cheers.

  Rong Tian reined in White Cloud to a halt; he swiftly dismounted and carefully carried the Prince back down to earth.

  “If Spring was here, this field would be filled with endless stretches of gra.s.s that appear to reach of the skies. Studded with countless flowers, a sight that is truly enchanting.”  He glimmered, pointing to the vast and barren landscape in front of them.

  “Now it’s bare!” Feng Ming didn’t spare the dried up empty land a second glance

  Rong Tian rarely had the luxury of venturing outside of the palace on non-official business, and here he was trying to create a romantic atmosphere aiming to move Feng Ming heart.

  “Yes, that’s true. However, it is the lonely cruel winter that makes us lament for warmth of spring’s prosperity. All living beings on earth live in a cycle don’t they?”

  “That’s right, that’s the amazing strength of life,” Feng Ming secretly thought whether it was an appropriate time to flaunt his ‘talent with words’.

  ‘Wildfires may strip the land of life, but once the spring wind blows the battlefields will flourish.’ Those words weren’t his and Feng Ming wasn’t comfortable stealing someone else’s words, so he had better forget about his display.

   White Cloud had been nibbling at by a patch of dried gra.s.s he flicked his long tail and trotted slowly to his master seeking attention. The prized pet was feeling displaced, jealous that Feng Ming had gained more importance than him.

  Oblivious to the animal’s displeasure, Feng Ming felt a crazy attraction to the horse, the gravity of the force was stronger than any feelings he had for the King. This was one dangerous love triangle.

  Wanting to feel the sleeky length of White Cloud’s tail, the prince couldn’t resist trying to catch it in his hand.

  White Cloud was the property of the Regent King who did nothing but spoil him. He was a proud animal and he shunned contact other than his master. His rejection to Feng Ming was evident as he responded by whipping his tail into the boy’s face then turned back to offer a disgruntled neigh.

  “Be careful,” The Regent King long antic.i.p.ated that Feng Ming would do something to provoke his pet, as expected the repercussions of Feng Ming’s action only served to give him a laugh.

  When White Cloud whipped his tail at the Prince’s face for round two, Rong Tian stepped between and separated the boy and the animal. 

  The fact that Feng Ming failed to grab hold of White Cloud’s tail frustrated him, he glared at the beast angrily snapping “He is looking down on me!”

  “Why did you go and provoke him? Horse’s have a temper, besides White Cloud is the best horse in Xi Rei.”

  “I’m being stared down at by a horse, it makes me angry!” Feng Ming gritted his teeth, and reminded the King “I want to ride White Cloud and you promised me that I could take a long ride today.”

  Rong w.a.n.g raised an eyebrow, “You’ve injured yourself there last night are you still able to ride?”

  Recalling his humiliating injury, Feng Ming grew even more enraged. He s.n.a.t.c.hed Rong Tian’s collar and threatened, “I want to ride and I will not give up until I do!”

  The King was caught up in the boy’s demand, he had no other option than to raise his hands up and surrender, “Alright, I will ride a lap with you. Just around this mountain how does that sound?”

  Feng Ming immediately jumped at the offer, and the King mounted and lifted the Prince so this time he sat mounted front of him.

  In fear of working up Feng Ming’s injuries in this position, Rong Tian refused to let the horse bolt carelessly. Instead he had limited White Cloud to stroll. Along the way as the pair pa.s.sed landmarks the Regent King’s guide and mentor role kicked in. The lovely scenery became the cla.s.sroom as the King taught his pupil geography and local conditions.   

  “Over there lies Xi Rei River, the largest river in our country. The land which the river crosses is highly fertile and gives rise to the majority of our agricultural success.”

  Feng Ming gazed into the distance, sure enough caught sight of a large body of water rus.h.i.+ng and snaking through the landscape from the east. On either side were countless plots of cultivated land. Although it was winter hardworking peasants were still labouring away.

  He didn’t understand farming so after a few more glances he was disinterested. Instead he turned his attention to the high mountain ranges that were beyond the farmlands which appeared to span far into the distance.

  “Look over there, there are so many peaks, those are more spectacular. When Spring arrives you have to take me to the mountains to play.”

  “All day long you only think about having fun. Next Spring will be your eighteenth birthday do you know what that means?”


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