at 5th of November 2019 03:10:09 PM
Chapter 152
" That's my third kill sis, two more and our tallies for the month will be equal . " Selena laughed while conversing with Ava as she eyed another target . This was a man engaged in battle with one of the weaker female members of the squad at the 8th stage of qi condensation . " Keep focused Selena this is not the time for your silly games . " While replying another bandit was beheaded after which Ava kicked his dismembered head in the direction of a man whose earth element was active . As earth spikes surrounded him acting both in attack and defense . Selene grinned as she mocked, "You were the one who started this contest, don't act oblivious Ava . " It was a one-sided ma.s.sacre as the bodies of bandits littered the ground . As they piled the muddy puddles began to fill with blood . All members of squad Ava did their part in the carnage . This was a bit too easy, wasn't it? Soon something drew their attention . . " Hmmm, only one remaining? Seems the bounty will have fewer beneficiaries . " They all became startled by a male whose voice they heard . Ava had the sole survivor in her grasp rubbing the sword blade which dripped in blood on his throat while ensuring he saw the scattering of headless corpses . So who was this new party that barged in? The voice then continued, " You won't receive much information from him, unfortunately, these willing souls are some bandits I offered an opportunity .
You see, you're in the midst of a recruiting exercise and sadly they all failed miserably to make it into the fold . However, they were successful in their true role . " Vulture appeared looking at the bandits on the ground . Behind him were three 9th stage cultivators that dwarfed him in size . However, he stood tall with the aura of a peak 9th stage cultivator, the strongest of the four . He then continued by saying, "They weren't fully ordained under my reign but in a sense, i have a duty to hold their killers at fault, It's only fair I return the favor don't you think?" 1 Advertis.e.m.e.nt In a flash, he appeared before Ava's squad member called s.h.i.+nzo . Creak! He broke her ankles as she screamed out in anguish falling on her knees . He was so short that now she could look him in his discolored grey eyes . Vulture then grasped s.h.i.+nzo by the throat as she smelt his repugnant body odor which even the rains seemingly couldn't wash away . Seeing this Ava and the other two members of her squad at the 9th stage made haste to ignite their qi once more in attempts to save their squad members who had fallen in the grasp of Vulture . Their eyes watered as they saw Vulture place a machete to the stomach of s.h.i.+nzo . In her eyes was panic and fear . Who is ever willing to meet their maker? but when death comes knocking can the weak dare say, " No, Not today"? s.h.i.+nzo attempted to rid herself of vulture's grasp but it was too late as he ran the machete through her gut twice ignoring the screams of her squadmates around . " I thought there was a need to even the odds a bit . " He uttered while wiping the blood off his machete ironically on the clothing of the now bleeding s.h.i.+nzo whose lungs were flooding with her own blood . " I'll kill you!" An enraged Ava exclaimed as her killing intent had been fully ignited . To which Vulture replied, "Well, you can try . " Vulture s.a.d.i.s.tically laughed as he placed his foot on s.h.i.+nzo's head crus.h.i.+ng it as he watched the tears flowing from Selena's eyes . It could be seen how she viewed her fallen comrade . She wasn't only a squadmate but an apparently close friend . It was as if he was taunting the members of squad Ava as he pressed down . s.h.i.+nzo tried to scream but her body had lost the ability . " What a beauty, such a shame . I bet you too would reject this midget just like the rest . I might be small, but now my feet are quite big!" Creak! Creak! then a sudden - Crack! s.h.i.+nzo's head was now no different than meat paste . Seemingly their pain fueled him as a wicked smirk was plastered all over his face . "Light them up!" He yelled . The defenses of Squad Ava were high but soon they realized it was not them that was the target as flaming arrows bombarded the caravan . Setting them ablaze as not even the drizzling rain could drench the fueling flames . Ava looked speechless as she saw their actions . What possible sense could this make? Why burn their loot? Is this man crazy? Seeing the look on Ava's face Vulture laughed as he had thought of what ran through her mind . He then s.a.d.i.s.tically pointed his machete at her group while saying," I just wanted to show you who the true targets are . " "Us!?" Ava exclaimed in sheer surprise . " Yes, indeed I'll whisper all in your ear after my machete runs through your gut . It has never tasted the blood of a 9th stage cultivator from the Dark Abylis Sect . " As he spoke Vulture's qi ignited and in a flash he choose his next target, Selene . Ting! Ting! A sword met his machete mid-strike, it was Ava . " . . . and it never will . A trap set by weaklings seizes to be of value when it yields no benefit . You killed my member I'll ensure your death isn't a quick one as you reveal your true intention . " Ava coldly spoke . Selena became a bit indignant after Ava had interceded in the battle . She then launched herself meeting one of the 9th stage mercenaries with her two short swords as tears still flowed from her eyes . She then questioned, "That b.a.s.t.a.r.d killed s.h.i.+nzo, why did you intervene? I am the one who should be the avenger . " " Do you want to join her? you're no match, team up with Marshall, kill as many as possible . While protecting Ashley, let's ensure there are no more deaths . " Ava responded as in a way she understood her sister's sentiments . Boom! Vulture stamped his foot on the earth as huge chunks of rocks hovered before him . Whoop! Whoop! He started to kick the rocks one after the other at a rapid pace . Their target Ava whose killing intent has risen to the peak as she sought to take revenge for her fallen comrade . Her qi blazed as her sword slashed through the harden rocks . . . Seeing the ease at which Ava had dealt with his attacks Vulture was still unrelenting in his a.s.sault sending a barrage of flying rocks each no less than 8 ft in diameter . However similar to how it had unfolded before Ava continuously carved them to dust . Cling! Cling! Sparkes of flames flickered from the sword and machete as the two once more did a short rage battle seemingly at lightning speed . " f.u.c.k it, you're going to die just like your friend, b.i.t.c.h . Like my feet just stepped in cow dunk . " Incensed Vulture ignited his qi once more as blue veins began to show to the sides of his neck . Two of the 9th stage mercenaries joined the fold as they had both fought Marshall the only male of squad Ava . He had surprisingly held his own for a short while but in some ways, he was relieved of the burden . Vulture and his men then yelled within their minds: ? Elemental Art ( Earth) Fragmented Mountain? In unison, they then launched themselves in the air before smas.h.i.+ng down once more on the earth below . Crk! CrK! Like a rippling effect, the ground below cracked turning to dust before solidifying into a ma.s.sive boulder the size of a small hill above their heads . " Let's see you deal with this b.i.t.c.h!" Vulture yelled as they threw the ma.s.sive boulder in the direction of Ava and her squad . " These b.a.s.t.a.r.ds!!" Ava lamented as she saw the boulder seemingly becoming larger by the second . Her qi had been severely diminished and she knew there was no means by which this attack could be negated by her lonesome . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting . She then looked at her sister and Marshall . Without awaiting her orders they placed their hands to her back . ?Cultivation Art - Qi transmission? Boom! qi spiraled around Ava as it ignited to heights, not previously reach which was close to ill.u.s.trious Lord realm, her blue pupils flickered green . . . Swoos.h.!.+ Like the wind, she appeared before the boulder . . . ?Elemental Art (Wind) Vainglorious Slash? Unleashed from her sword was gayle force wind which sliced everything in its path . It was similar to the cuts of a razor blade . Swoos.h.!.+ Swoos.h.!.+ Swoos.h.!.+ Ava slashed her sword blade three-times which sliced the boulder in three-parts . Seeing this Vulture became stunned at the outcome of the collision . The attack was still relenting finding its way before himself and the two other 9th stage cultivators before oddly disappearing having seemingly ran out of steam . As he was about to taunt the exhausted Ava he found something odd as to the sides of her face was a smirk . When he looked to his right he saw one of the mercenaries had their bodies severed . The upper part of his body slowly fell showcasing the now overexposed visible innards that soon followed suit . The smirk however soon departed Ava's face when she heard a cracking soon as if the breaking of an egg . Creak! Shes quickly turned around to see embedded in the top of the scalp of Marshall a black pickaxe . His killer the 9th stage cultivator that had been set free when Selena helped her in the previous attack . He then forcefully pulled the pickaxe from Marshall's skull as he joined vulture and the other remaining mercenary circling the now exhausted Ava, Selena and the one who could provide the least help, Ashley . " f.u.c.k!" Ava screamed in her head and then sought for possible options to rid herself of the predicament her squad now found themselves . Quickly she pressed down on the communicator in her ear . " Squad Ava in need of reinforcement, now!" To be continued . . . Nb/ Unedited version . I might have to rephrase this