Next day they got packed up and left the state Pennsylvania and went back to the DMV. When I got back I went to go see Sandra and tell her about my trip I even told her about the woman in red Lily and she was shocked that I told her that we even had s.e.x. She felt a little bad that she wasn't my first but after got over it and said I shouldn't do that again and that she's glad that I was able to be truthful with her and let her know.She asked me if she was good enough for me and I told her of course it just happened by accident and I didn't really initiate it she approached me but it won't happen again so she got happy again. We went out to go get something to eat and chatted about the tournament. The next day the fellas met up again The Unstoppables squad. I had went to go cash the check so we had to split the winnings and we each received a big pay that day $20,000.00 for each of us was no joke.I knew some of the guys wouldn't know what to do with it so I immediately told them to invest in it and not to use all the money for bullc.r.a.p, split it in half at least and invest in some companies. They quickly agreed and even Momba gave the money back saying that I can do everything for him and that he didn't need money at the moment, so we are split apart I went about our businesses.The last days of the Summer was uneventful. I just did some investments, training with the team, and more dates and outings with Sandra until school started again. My this year was a bit weird but I got over it real quick. After school went to training this time I was training with the varsity team so it was a bit different. Coach said that there will be a hot practice match with a powerful team next week so we should practice hard.While I was in practice my father had just had my step little brothers and I was excited when I got the news so I went over to his place to meet the new family members. I surprised when I saw three babies there because in my previous life he had twins and not triplets. I then told them that they will need a bigger place because they were staying in an apartment at the time, and I told him I would help him, but he told me now I should focus on school.
Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.I told him I am focusing on school but it's just that I got a lot of sponsored money right now and I've made a lot of investments which shocked them because he didn't think that I was that mature and he didn't know that my basketball career was flying off at the moment since the accident looked bad. Right after I wrote him a $10,000 check and told him to use that as a deposit to get a house for the family. He tried to give it back but I convinced my stepmom to take it.
At this point since my mother had pa.s.sed away she was basically my mother now so I wanted to take care of them. I played with the baby is a little bit even though they weren't really reacting since they were newborns and then left to go back home and do my homework.