Shun leans on the door panel while staring at Ca.s.sie who is reading a book, inside his library has a special room he built to read comfortably.Her face on the right side was covered with her hair that blocks her vision on the door, he wanted to pull them to one side. Ca.s.sandra felt his presence; she looks up and turns her head on his direction, her eyes lit after seeing him.Ah… she was very beautiful. She applied red lipstick this time, and her beautiful neck, shoulders, and smooth skin revealed by the dress she wore. He swallowed.He then smiled to see her necklace. He who designed it then ordered to the one of largest jewelry maker he knew.The pendant is a dramatically beautiful shape of a heart. In the middle is a round stone pertaining as the head of a comet of red-purple stones with tiny diamonds around it, then its tail blended on the left side to the edge... the comet's tail was a two inches long, beautifully gleaming above her chest... wait, looks like, the long chain is a bad idea. He wants to get her another chain, a shorter one.He strides toward the crescent shape sofa bed and climbed beside her."Hi…" He instantly planted a kiss on her lips. Anna really knows what to choose. Ca.s.sandra's lipstick is a kind of long-lasting even how much a girl eats and be a kiss a lot.That is why he brushes his lips against hers longer. He gives her light and gentle kisses. Ca.s.sandra's skin is soft and smooth. He was tempted to trail his fingers from her arm up to her neck, but he controls himself. He just wrapped her around his arms and pulled Ca.s.sandra's head to lean on his chest.Ca.s.sie blus.h.i.+ngly leans on Shun's broad chest. He smells nice. Wait, why she's thinking about it again? How embarra.s.sing. Gladly, Shun won't saw her flus.h.i.+ng face.Shun seems exhausted. He must be very busy with his work, and yet here he is, came home early. She felt his fingers combing her hair. She buried her ear and listen to his heart beats. She didn't notice, she fell asleep.Ah… she fell asleep. Shun smiled. Now he won't dare to move… not long after, he closes his eyes and he himself drawn to nap. When he wakes up, Ca.s.sandra has been looking up at him with sparkling eyes."Hey, how long I've been napping?""Over half an hour I think? I did just wake up," she was blus.h.i.+ng while saying this.Ah… she was this cute. Shun wanted to kiss her again but his phone received a message. Blaire texted him that Dinner is ready and they've done preparing a small party.Shun having a little debating inside his head, then he just ignores the text, he will just make an excuse to her later.Blaire smirks when his brother did not reply. She was about to approach them when she decided to just text her brother, she doesn't want to interrupt their moment. So her brother chooses to ignore, Blaire silently steps out of the library.
"Maybe it is important.""Ah, not really," Shun replied. "How was your day?""Uhm… kind of boring, because they didn't allow me to clean the garden. A lot of beautiful flowers was destroyed by the storm."Shun laughs. He pokes her nose. "You don't need to do that.""Hmm…"She was too cute sulking like this… Shun thought. He was seduced to kiss her one more time. He gently grabs her chin and lifts up to give her another kiss. Ca.s.sandra is getting attentive to respond instantly. He controls himself not to deepen his kisses because he was tempted to touch her.He pulled his lips from Ca.s.sandra and kiss her forehead. G.o.d knows how much he suppressed this feeling towards her. But too great to ignore. He found himself falling deeply in love with her."Come, they probably have done preparing our dinner."He gets up and helps Ca.s.sie to step down from the sofa bed. He did not let go of her hand and he leads her outside of his mansion towards the garden.The sun was now beginning to set and they have a chance to watch it. It was too beautiful. Shun's mansion is located on top of a hill that has a full view of the city. She was still not familiar to this place so she can't recognize those buildings far ahead.They continue following the garden trail until they arrived in a Gla.s.s Greenhouse. Shun opens the door then the lights were lighted. She was amazed. Ah, the greenhouse has different kinds of flowers and on its bloom.She could also see many b.u.t.terflies and could hear birds chirping. Wow. It is actually a huge greenhouse. She wanted to live here!Shun amusingly watch her reaction. When he decided to buy this mansion, he already thinks to build this greenhouse and promise to himself he will bring Ca.s.sandra to this place.When she was seven months old; her eyes always following the b.u.t.terflies fluttering in the garden, then she will be pointing the birds on the trees, and she'll clap her hands. That is why he always brought her to the garden after his cla.s.s until the sundown. He will always make sure to come home early and his homeroom teacher Dina understands he babysit Ca.s.sie.Ca.s.sie can't content herself wandering the greenhouse. So much joy registered on her face. But he can't avoid that pain pinching his heart, because after a few days from her birthday is her parent's death. He sighed and hid the unpleasant emotion that he also feeling underneath of his happiness to be with Ca.s.sandra.He steps closer and hold Ca.s.sie on her waist then planted a kiss on her lips. She was surprised but responded to his quick kiss."Come here, I'll show you more."Shun brought her to the deepest part of the greenhouse, it was more secluded from the entrance."Happy Birthday, Missy!""Happy Birthday Ca.s.sie!"She was very happy to see everyone and there are more people that she wasn't meet yet before, except for Anna and husband David. Daichi introduces his sister Dana and husband Mike.Shun introduces the rest of their guests, James Ryan, and the Lawrence family."My goodness, you look like your mother!" Kaye burst out. But she realized, she did a mistake."Oh, you know my mom?""Ah… yes, she was volunteered in a few Medical Mission we did around this region. I cannot forget her. She was very beautiful inside and out," Kaye said. Dana and she exchanged glances.True that she meets Hannah Chen when she was on training, then meet her after many years and Ca.s.sie was almost 12 years old that time when Landon seeks her husband's service. Landon Young made his Last Will of Testament for his daughter and Quinn.The boys are already been good friends with Quinn so Landon opens up of their situation and possibilities of what would happen to them.After introducing to everyone, they now sitting on the long table and merrily having dinner. Ca.s.sie cried a little bit because of what Shun did. Giving her a party like this is never she imagines. But of course, she wishes for Joanna to be here because the food is all good.Shun already thinking to get Joanna, but he wanted to avoid Kang's men who watch their movements on the island.Blaire asks her brother's permission to let Ca.s.sie have some wine tonight as she is not a minor anymore.Shun doesn't like it but since it's her birthday, he allowed it for once, since the wine has only 4% of alcohol. He observed when Ca.s.sie smell the aroma then slowly drink the wine. She was liking it, he could tell.