Chapter 2141 Use Anything (Part 2)
After playing the game once, Quinn had thought of the best way to possibly play the game again to achieve the best score he could. He had a feeling based on the conversations he had with Jun that they would allow him to use his powers.
Russ had made a fair argument and the Penswi wanted to overcome their own games with their main trait, their speed. It was almost a challenge to them, if someone could beat them in another way, then they would have to try and bring it on.
Standing in front of the game, Quinn waited for the countdown, and as it was counting down his eyes started to glow red, aura was coming out from his body. A large amount of energy could be felt from the professionals that were close to him, and the students watching at the back for a split second.
'I have to control my energy, it might have a bad effect on the young ones.' Quinn thought.
Soon the red aura was visible, and it was beginning to take shape, carefully crafting and moving it, Quinn had turned it into what looked like hands, each of them with an index finger pointed out, and not only that, but all of them covering a b.u.t.ton.
'I wonder what the old kings would think… using absolute blood control in this way to win a game?' Quinn thought.
Instead of a 1000 blood swords, Quinn had created a 1000 blood hands. As soon as the game started, he was. .h.i.tting the b.u.t.tons with the blood hands as well as his own hands immediately. There was no need for him to move, because the hands would do the work for him.
The number of points were going up fast, and there were countless thoughts going through all of the Penswi that were watching.
'Isn't this cheating?'
'How can he just create hundreds of arms out of nothing, out of the thin air? Why did none of the other squishy aliens do that?'
As for the coach, his thinking went beyond the others because he could see that it wasn't as simple as the others thought.
'This alien, it most likely isn't something that just any of those from his race can do. So what if he has multiple hands to help him, he still needs to control all of those hands. He has to have the foresight, the vision and the quick thinking to make each one of those hands push the b.u.t.ton when they appear.
'Then there are his own hands, they're moving at an incredibly fast speed. This really is a golden opportunity.' The coach smiled, there was one thought though. This trick, or skill would only work with this type of game and not the others, but maybe the coach could work with it.
At the end of it all, the game had ended and the points came out totalling around 1400.
"Wow… I've never seen so many points before!" One of the students said, and they couldn't help but talk among themselves at what they had seen.
"So what do you think? Are they on the team?" Jun asked.
"What do I think?" The coach smiled. "I think with these two, we have a chance at winning this thing."
The coach came over to Quinn and looked him up and down, still with a bright smile on his face.
"I have something to ask you… was that everything you had, everything you can do?"
Quinn did go as fast as he could this time compared to the last when going against Zallack, but there was one more thing that he perhaps could have done to push his score a little further.
"Judging from the pause I know your answer, but this is good, because I warn you, Stark is a very impressive person. If you want to gauge just how impressive he is, even with the score you got up there, you would still lose."
Now, it was the others turn to be shocked, Ceril, Russ, and Quinn were at a loss for words. Quinn had just multiplied his hands to cover every single b.u.t.ton. All of the Penswi were the same, they had two hands and two legs, they were no different compared to each other apart from body composition and speed.
This meant that Stark was so fast that he could achieve a score better than Quinn could, just how fast was this Stark person?
In the end, Quinn and Russ were allowed to join the team, but Ceril had been left out. She wasn't too upset about it, since the team was still treating her quite well. Since they were a part of the team, they were given an apartment in the same building that they were training in, and all of them were allowed to stay.
Things were moving fast though, as in just a couple of days time, it would be time for them to compete in the tournament. There was no training scheduled for them, but instead the coach asked them to try to get familiar with all the games that could come up in the event.
There were over fifty different types of games, and only five of them would come up in the tournament. After that, they also needed to learn the rules of all the games as well, it was a lot for them to take in.
During this time as well, Russ had finally managed to absorb the nest crystal and he could feel that his powers had grown quite a bit compared to before.
After all of that, the big day had finally arrived, Russ and Quinn had successfully been registered and they were to head to the opening ceremony of the event.
The Dark Red's had got in a large pod like machine where five, and their coach, were heading to the venue. The pod travelled at a lightning fast speed, getting them through the city quickly.
Ceril was unable to join the team, but heading with the trainees, Zallack was to guide her as he had a ticket for the event, and she would be able to watch it as it went on.
Quinn could see the scope of the Penswi, they had to have at least a few hundred thousand or so living on the planet. He remembered something that Bliss had told him once. The reason why many celestials looked at Earth originally was due to the large number of lives there.
The more lives there were on a planet, the easier for celestials to fill their condition, so he had to be cautious of planets with high numbers.
A large dome similar to grand events held on Earth could be seen, although there were a lot more blue and neon lights on the outside of the place compared to one of Earth' centres and this was a worldwide planet event, the dome was far bigger than any he had seen before.
"Hey, I hope you're okay with performing in front of a lot of people, that is something that is hard for us to practise." The coach stated.
"It's okay, I will do what I need to do, to get their attention." Quinn answered.
The main goal of all of this was to get in front of the planet leaders, the King and Queen of the Penswi.
Entering the dome, there was little preparation for the team, as there was a starting ceremony for them all. They were escorted into what would be their strategy meeting room. Here they would see what game they were to play.
Each team would send out one player for the game and depending on what position one got, it would earn a certain amount of points for the team. However, the tunnel from the prep room to the main hall was open as there was a starting ceremony.
Now that all of the guests were seated, it was time for all of the professional team to go out, and introduce themselves to the spectators.
Walking through the hallway, Quinn and Russ followed at the back of the rest of the team, and taking a step out, they were greeted with loud deafening cheers, from all of the Penswi, but that wasn't the only thing, because they were noticed by all.
"Hey… are they from another planet?"
"Aliens are really competing in this event, I haven't seen that for years, and the last time it was just a gimmick!"
"Maybe the Dark Reds are trying to do the same."
"But usually, they come third or second every year, so why would they risk that?"
On top of the people, the King and Queen who were seated up high in a special booth had also noticed the aliens as well.
"Oh, I saw them on the list, but they are not as frightening as I expected them to be." The King said.
"Looks can be deceiving. If the Dark Reds have asked them to join their team there must be a reason. This year's event might be far more interesting than we antic.i.p.ated." The Queen replied.
Meanwhile Quinn wasn't bothered by the comments or anything else, because he had his own thoughts that he was thinking about in his head.
'After all of this, I'll be back to see my family again, and then I'll try and find the Blades. It hasn't been that long since I left, so they should be fine, but I can't help but worry… I wonder what they're doing right now.' Quinn thought.?????ℯ???ν?l. co?
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