When I walked after Jim we come to the kitchen. While coming there I asked, "what we doing here"."Oh starting with food," he said."Oh, ok so what we have," I asked."Oh, some from Martha and mine," he said."Oh ok," I said and while looking at what he started taking out I looked at it, and while now I wanted one thing I asked, "do you have some potatoes"."Yes, for what you need it," he asked."Oh, you will see," I said and while he gives them to me I started was.h.i.+ng them. While I did this, I looked around and when I found aluminum foil, I put them to each. When I did it I added a little salt and pepper on top while I have added nothing more while I didn't know if they will like the taste of others spices. When I did it I have around twenty and while I put it to a bowl, I could see that Jim come back for the next portion. While seeing him I walked after him and while seeing that he started fire I put what I made and then he added meat on top. When he did it I looked at him and then I said: "it will take a long time"."I know for each of them a lot and I haven't added all while probably one of hungry will want soon," he said."Yes, I know she would like to have some soon but for now we will not add it she eats not a long time ago," I said while he references Sophia. While we looked at meat girls come and then Sophia asked, "So when it will be,"."Oh, we just started so not soon," Jim said."Babe tell me when," she said while coming closer to me."Around an hour," I said."So long," she said."Yes, we started from which need to be here long," I said."Oh, could you make me some which will be soon," she said."Oh, I don't know," I said and while I looked at her, I added, "maybe chicken wings." While hearing me she smiled and then she gives me a kiss and she said "thanks".While she did it we did it I take a few wings, and he put it there. When I did it she asked "what is hidden there" while pointing on fire while."Oh potatoes," I said while looking at her."Oh, I want it too," she said."Not soon they need to be here for a long time to let it be ready," I said."Could you leave us now?" Jim said."Oh, sorry but it smells so good that I want some," Sophia said to him."I know it but still you need to wait," Jim said."I know," she said and then I take her hand. When I did it I said, "Ok come with me"."Where we are going," she asked."To make your time pa.s.s faster," I said. "Ok," she said and while looking at me we started walking to the pool. While we come there, she looked at me and then she said: "don't tell me you want to do it here"."Maybe yes maybe not," I said while smiling to her. When I did it I looked at her more and more and while now I understand her words I give her a kiss and then I hugged her. When I did it I started moving my hands around her back. While I was doing it she whispered: "you really want to do it here".
"No, I was joking we will do it when we come back if you want to," I said and then I give her a quick kiss. When I did it she looked at me and then she asked: "so why you take me here"."Oh, you see I don't want you to suffer," I said."Suffer what way," she asked."Oh, the smell of food," I said and while I looked at her, I realize her from my hug and then I said, "so that's why we come here". "Oh, ok," she said and while she looked at me she said, "so what we will do"."I have no idea," I said."Ok," she said, and then she takes my hand and she started walking to the pool. While I come there, we jumped while I was a little scared that we can hurt ourselves from doing it but still we did it. When we were inside, she said, "could you teach me how to swim I want to burn some energy to eat more"."Ok," I said and then I take her to my hands and I said, "ok now on your tummy and we will train your legs"."Ok," she said and when she was doing it I give her short comments about what she should change. While she was doing it for some time she stopped while her technique for me was good and then we started with her hand movements. While we were doing it and most important for me she does it good Mei comes and then, she said: "oh you doing it"."Yes," Sophia said while stopping all that she was doing and she turned to her. While seeing her I let her sit on my hand and then Mei said: "wings are ready"."Ok," Sophia said and when she hugged me she said, "I have no energy"."Ok," I said, and while I had her like I started walking to the table. While I come there, I could see bread and sauces. While seeing them I come closer and then Sophia goes out from me and when she sits, I walked for wings. While I take them I come closer and after putting two on her plate I give her bread and while looking at her eating I said: "you want some sauce". "No, thanks," she said and when she continues eating like that, I said, "remember about bread"."Ok," she said and while she was eating like that, I could see that Jim comes. While seeing him is aid "do you have some veggies?"."h.e.l.l no," I could hear Sophia words."No talking with full mouths," I said to her while turning to her, and then I said, "today you don't need to"."Ok," she said, and then she comes back to eating."No," Jim said."Hmm," I said."Oh, we can buy," Martha said."Ok, I will change," I said."No need an only towel on the seat will be enough," she said."Ok," I said and when I take one towel which was prepared here, I walked after her. While we come to her car Mei comes to us and then she said: "I'm coming with you"."Ok," Martha said and after being inside we started driving to shop. While we come here, I said, "I don't have money"."I have Jim card," Mei said and while hearing her we walked out. While we did this we walked inside, and while I take some veggies she started taking sweets. While we did with it I looked at her and when she pays for all we walked out. While I packed all inside us started coming back. It takes us some time like driving there and when we come there Mei and Martha take sweets while I take veggies and I walked to the kitchen. While I was there I make two salads, and I take pickles on the other plate. When I did it Sophia come inside and then she said: "you need help"."Yes," I said to her and when we started walking out I asked, "so how it was"."Good," she said while giving me a kiss and then we walked to the table.