While one could say that looking for those abilities and spending so many points on them would be a waste, I had yet another reason for doing so.
Taking a look behind me, I could see Eve peacefully resting on the floor, while covered with the simple piece of cloth that used to separate Pengu from us. Not knowing when I would have another chance to safely craft anything, I had to make the best use of the time that I could spend in this room!
But how could I call myself a man, if I put my own benefit over my beloved one comfort? Heating the forge up would most probably cause Eve to wake up, not to speak about moving all the stuff around or even hammering down the blades. With that said, improving the quality of my crafts still took a big part in me taking this decision!
Unable to wait any longer to check out the effects of my newly acquired and improved abilities, I cast the mana forge and threw some common materials like iron, coal and some wood into it.
Separating each of the materials into a diffrent part of the floating orb of the energy in front of me, I focused on the one containing iron. Before everything, I examine it with my blacksmith's eye, only to notice loads upon loads of impurities, bringing the true content of the iron within the iron to a measly ninety percent?
While I knew that be it wrought or cast iron couldn't be compared to pure metal smelted in the big factories back on my home planet, from what I remembered, just by using ancient smelting techniques, one should be able to bring the purity of the iron ingots up to at least ninety-five percent!
Thinking about it, if I was able to discern the true iron elements from all the impurities while retaining complete control over the stuff inside my mana forge, shouldn't I be able to simply separate all the diffrent elements from each other?
Even if I thought about it, it's not like I could do so with a simple thought!
Or apparently, I could…
Before I was able to react in any way, I saw a small flash in the mana orb and as soon as my vision returned, I noticed a slightly smaller orb of iron surrounded by minuscule bits of diffrent colours!
While the list of various elements contained inside the orb didn't change, as soon as I focused my eyes on the biggest chunk, it changed into a clear 100% iron!
I have to admit that taking apart an item to its very physical basis was great, I still had to make sure about one more thing!
Taking out a small chunk of coal from the other orb, I transferred it to the one with iron and started adding small bits of it, increasing the amount bit by bit unless it reached perfectly 1.5%!
That's sadly the only number I could remember from the TV shows. But going by simple logic, this kind of super-pure steel wouldn't resemble the one made on earth, because it was simply too clean!
While it pained my heart a bit, I decided to follow my instincts and added just a tinies amount of all the diffrent elements to the point where along with coal, it took two percents all together. Even if there were specific recipes outlining the exact amount of various elements required to make perfect, industrial steel, only the most technically advanced smelters were able to get close to the perfect numbers.
When I will have enough time to play around with it, it goes without saying that I would be more than happy to test out swords made out of diffrent kinds of steel! Considering how I was able to take apart any item related to smithing apart, I wouldn't have to worry about wasting any resources either!
With that done, I started forming the lump of steel into a shape of a simple, double-edged sword but changed my mind halfway through the process. Considering how everyone who I fought against so far saw me using swords, creating a simple sabre, especially with such low-quality ingredients, could result in some pretty interesting possibilities later on!
Making up my mind, I reformed the edge to be slightly curved, sharp on the longer side, while a bit thicker on the blunt one. The entire process took me mere seconds as if Bonger wanted to spit at all the efforts I had to previously make to create a proper weapon!
Taking out the wood from the last mana forge that I created previously, I transferred it back to the main forge. Creating some small, steel spikes on the future handle, I covered it in wood, before decorating it with a thin layer of coal.
I would love to be able to create graphene, top-notch material that was recently developed on earth, but considering the fact that I only knew that it was made out of coal, there was no way I would be able to figure out a way to make it!
The moment I was satisfied with the end result, the information window suddenly expanded, enriched by a list of statistics of the weapon itself!
Wait, what the f.u.c.k is going on?
Looking at number two, placed in front of the added strength, I couldn't believe it. While the two alone wasn't a big deal, considering the fact how my windslord managed to increase my strength by whooping sixty-five points… But why there were two additional zeros behind it?
How could this sabre made out of cheap materials bring a greater increase to my strength than my best masterpiece so far, utopy?
And I didn't even name it!
If that was the power of properly creating something with just a bit of proper steel while omitting all the mistakes that would normally appear in the process, what could I do while using more valuable and rare materials?!