Xuan Ziwen's cold voice rang out from one of the All-Terrain Forts, “All units, pay attention! All units, pay attention! Charge your main cannons! Target the enemy's air force! Charging, start!”After hearing Xuan Ziwen's words, all of the All-Terrain Forts started moving. The disciples of the Tang Sect were controlling them, and they had been with Xuan Ziwen for a very long time. They didn't just respect their Teacher Xuan, they were also very familiar with his temper! If anyone were to mess up any orders this teacher gave, they wouldn't be let off with a simple scolding, they would be punished corporally, as well!Because of that, their movements were extremely tidy. All of the All-Terrain Forts planted themselves on the ground, then lowered their metallic legs, causing them to remain just centimeters off of the ground. After that, their ball-shaped bodies leaned thirty degrees forward, before revealing enormous ring-shaped cannons that were around two feet long.These cannons were somewhat strange. They didn't protrude too much, and unlike the 'thorns' on their main bodies, they were much,...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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