Wu Feng asked herself hysterically, Is it simply because Huo Yuhao is stronger than me? No! He might not be stronger than I am. Intense envy and the abnormal feelings she harbored towards Ning Tian erupted once more, and the hatred she felt towards Huo Yuhao was elevated to an unprecedented level.Dai Huabin's emotions were a lot steadier than hers. From beginning to end, his hatred for Huo Yuhao had never declined. He had been losing to someone ever since he had entered the academy, someone whose cultivation was clearly far inferior to his, and that someone was Huo Yuhao!From his perspective, Huo Yuhao had taken the glory that should have belonged to him. The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Dueling Tournament's champions.h.i.+p should have been his. He deeply believed that if he worked hard enough, he would definitely do better than Huo Yuhao, and he should have been the one to join the Shrek's Seven Monsters.Dai Yueheng had reminded him more than once that Huo Yuhao was outstanding in many different aspects. However, it was because of this that his stubbornness and dissatisfaction...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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