Elder Xuan's voice was evidently a little more rushed now. He said angrily, “Di Tian, even if you want to frame others for this, you have to find a reliable and believable reason. The Emperor Beast, the Three-Eyed Golden Lion, offered herself to a human soul master? Do you even believe your own words? You can try asking the other soul beasts in the forest... do they believe this? You are clearer than I am about what the Emperor Beast's existence entails. Could she even offer herself to a human?”Di Tian said coldly, “Nothing is impossible. The Emperor Beast was born with intelligence comparable to you humans, and she must have walked into the world of humans because she was curious. The Emperor Beast was born from the destiny of the heavens, and she has always acted according to destiny. There are far too many things that can taint and pollute her in the human world, and problems appeared in the Emperor Beast's way of thinking because of these pollutions. Don't try to absolve yourself of responsibility, the only humans that the Emperor Beast saw before she left the forest were you and your students! I heard from the Scarlet King that, back then, one of your students...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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