No one knew how Xu Tianran managed to track him down, but this brother of his was cut to pieces in his own palace. That entire palace was washed with blood.From then on, no one dared to doubt him because of his condition. He managed to preserve his position of Crown Prince.Over the past few years, the emperor's physical condition had been deteriorating, and he was often bedridden. The brothers of Xu Tianran who were qualified to become the Sun Moon Emperor's successor started to make their moves. They even brought up the issue of his disability.However, Xu Tianran was very calm, and never acted against them. No one dared to underestimate him, however. He was still the favorite to succeed the throne.Ju Zi wheeled Xu Tianran out of his pavilion, and his guards quickly followed.The Royal Stewards' headquarters was in the imperial palace. Although it was merely in a corner of the palace, the location demonstrated its pertinence to the imperial family.“Ju Zi, how's your...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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