Close to three hundred beams of light shone once again. However, they weren't aimed at Huo Yuhao or Tang Wutong this time. Instead, they were aimed at Kong Deming.A strange silver armor suddenly shone on Kong Deming's body. This armor was like a mirror. On his chest, there was a huge gem which extended all the way from his chest to his belly. This gem was bright silver. After the lights behind Kong Deming surged into his body, they were quickly guided to that huge gem by the ma.s.sive Silvermoon Divine Light Barrier. The bright silver lights made Kong Deming seem as if he were a small silver sun.The Sun Moon Empire's soul tool technology was so advanced. How could it possibly only have one simple trump card?Right now, Kong Deming was using another trump card.Yes, ordinary linked attacks were now useless after they were affected by the interference However, Kong Deming didn't just unleash a simple linkage. It was a guided linkage.He...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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