Huo Yuhao felt the chill this time. The ice-cold flow of gas rose rapidly along his left arm and penetrated his shoulder. Then, it reached his chest and clavicle. An intense, azure light also shone from his body.The power sealed within the Ice Jade Empress Scorpion's skeleton was stimulated and rapidly connected with the Ice Jade Scorpion Left Arm Bone. Huo Yuhao's left arm was also dyed an azure green. An intense undulation of soul power surged maniacally. The pain that he felt when he had once fused the skeleton appeared again.Ultimate ice and heat alternated with each other. Fortunately, it was only on his left arm this time.“What, again?” Huo Yuhao laughed bitterly in heart. But he couldn't do anything except tolerate it at this point.In fact, it was not that the Ice Empress wanted to train him. It was that the Ice Jade Empress Scorpion's skeleton was modifying this Ice Jade Scorpion Left Arm Bone.No matter how strong this Ice Jade Scorpion was, its cultivation was only around ten thousand years or so, whereas the Ice Empress had cultivated for four...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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