As for a Cla.s.s 9 Eye of Fear, one was rumored to exist only in the Sun Moon Empire's secret weapons vault. No one knew how strong it was, as it had never been used in battle.Creating a Cla.s.s 7 Eye of Fear was already very complicated, as difficult as creating three ordinary Cla.s.s 7 soul tools. While the offensive abilities of an Eye of Fear were quite strong, it had a great flaw in that it couldn't lock onto its target. It was dependent on the aiming of the person who used it. If its target moved, it would be useless. It was very important to predict the movement of one's opponent in order to use this soul tool well. Conversely, it wasn't easy to predict the movement of an opponent who had to be dealt with using an Eye of Fear!Along with the fact that it was very expensive and complicated to create an Eye of Fear, most Cla.s.s 7 soul engineers were unwilling to make one.Another major flaw of the Eye of Fear was that it was easily broken. It would break...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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