The semifinals of the Continental Elite Youth Soul Master started under such an atmosphere.The weather today was a little gloomy. Clouds filled the sky, and it felt a little oppressive. It seemed like it might rain at any time.If it were any other normal time, no one would have left their houses in such weather unless they had something important to attend to. However, it was different today.In the early morning, Radiant City was already bustling. There were huge crowds gathering towards the suburbs.The Sun Moon Empire's military, which was in charge of maintaining order, had already begun their job at the tournament venue in the wee hours of the morning, trying to prevent a stampede. Today, there would be a record-breaking crowd.There were simply too many people. It was impossible to see the end of the crowd!When there were ten thousand people, it would seem as if the crowd was infinite, but right now, there were far more than ten thousand...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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