As they looked at each other, they could see the excitement in each other's eyes. They knew that they had found another way to improve. While this couldn't be directly used on a battlefield, it was still very beneficial to them if they wanted to last in a fight. As long as they had a little time to rest, they could recharge and restore their energy at the fastest speed. They managed to fully tap into the advantages of having Yin-Yang Complement soul cores.Both of them quickly entered a cultivation state. Their four soul cores fused and intersected. As they resisted one another, brand-new soul power was unleashed once again. Their cultivations were also increasing dramatically.Originally, forming Yin-Yang Complement soul cores had already given them the potential to experience significant improvements in their cultivations. Tang Wutong had also managed to form Yin-Yang Complement soul cores with Huo Yuhao's help. This was unprecedented.Furthermore, most of Tang Wutong's spiritual...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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