“Zhang Lexuan,” the voice said.“Yes?” Zhang Lexuan lifted her head to peer into the sky. There was a confused look in her eyes.“Love is never a punishment. However, you'll only hurt yourself if you indulge in a love without an outcome. You'll also receive the best reward possible; an opportunity to forget. Go and find your true love.”A golden light flashed, and Zhang Lexuan disappeared.“Ning Tian, Wu Feng.”Ning Tian and Wu Feng were standing side by side right now. They lifted their heads to look into the sky.“Dying for love and walking away from the pain. The two of you have pa.s.sed your Sincerity Adventure rounds. The reward that you are going to get is going to be quite heavy, thus the two of you will share one reward. This reward will solve all your problems. Ning Tian, you'll be a man from today onward. Go.”Two beams of golden light shone at the same. Ning Tian and Wu Feng were shocked as they looked at each other before they were taken away.Ning Tian's familial pressure would...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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