Bi Ji was lost. She could only command her kinsmen as she unleashed healing soul skills one after another so that she could save as many of her compatriots' lives as possible.The undead army was still fighting. Their battle against the soul beasts was like the soul beasts' battle against Shrek City's warriors; the army of undead suffered ma.s.sive losses, and ten undead had to die to kill one soul beast. But so what?Huo Yuhao had relied on his formidable spiritual power and the demiplane that the Calamity Necromancer Electrolux had left behind for him, and summoned a hundred thousand low-tier undead creatures.If these undead clashed with the army of soul beasts in a frontal battlefield, those undead would be rapidly overrun.However, the soul beast army had been fighting for two days and two nights, while the top-tier soul beasts were currently preoccupied in battles with Shrek Academy's elites on the other side. Under such circ.u.mstances, what could the other soul beasts do? A hundred thousand undead charging through their ranks and the disturbance they caused was enough to affect the tide of battle.Furthermore, even though...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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