Stars filled the night sky when Huo Yuhao finally awoke from his deep slumber.There was an inexplicable soreness all over his body, but there seemed to be a lot of liveliness rippling through him at the same time.Huo Yuhao's vitality had recovered as his mind and body healed. His soul power began circulating, and he could tell with a simple look inward that his Yin Yang Equilibrium soul cores were rotating very stably.Furthermore, his dual soul cores had clearly improved.When Huo Yuhao's Yin Yang Equilibrium soul cores had first taken shape, their whirlpool-like soul power had been very uneven, and changed with his soul power and spiritual power undulations, and even his breathing.But now, his soul cores were transforming. When his two soul cores' power clashed, the tiny whirlpools of soul power were all the same size. Furthermore, his largest whirlpool from before couldn't compare to his soul power right now. Every whirlpool was also extremely stable, and his soul power condensed into both gold and blue. His spiritual power and his Ultimate Ice coexisted.Even though...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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