Their surroundings instantly went completely quiet. However, both Xu Sans.h.i.+ and Jiang Nannan's bodies began to change. After a moment, they were less adolescent; they'd returned to their twenty-year-old selves.The bed was still the same bed from five years ago. However, their bodies and hearts were wound tighter than they had been five years ago at this moment.He wasn't going to enter the wrong hole this time.The black glow that signified the evolution of his martial soul surfaced once again.Outside of their room, the golden sun and silver moon seemed to arc together in a smile.------A boundless prairie spread out before her, jade-green vines of Bluesilver Gra.s.s swaying in the gentle breeze. As they swayed, they seemed to endlessly extend.When Zhang Lexuan discovered herself in such a place, her eyes started to s.h.i.+ne brightly. She had always loved this sort of boundless feeling. The endless green, the refres.h.i.+ng air, the bright sunlight, and the birds that occasionally flew by all left her in a pleasant mood. It was...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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