The army was now getting a lot closer to the Sun Moon Empire's border. However, their morale was extremely low. None of the commanders were in a good mood, and such things were extremely infectious. Hence, even the soldiers below them were feeling it.Even though the army had secured multiple victories on this campaign, they were feeling very displeased after problems had emerged internally within the army. This was a common sentiment shared by the soul engineers and the commanders. One could only imagine how furious they must have felt to encounter these things when a golden opportunity for them to leave their names in the history books had shown itself. They couldn't wait to skin the entire Holy Ghost Church alive.Ju Zi was naturally a lot more composed than the rest. She was sitting in her carriage, but she would occasionally lift the curtains to glimpse at what was outside. Her eyes would naturally drift to where Huo Yuhao—who was wearing a female outfit—was. Even though her face would not give off any hint of emotion, Huo Yuhao would still be able to tell from her eyes that she was laughing deep down inside.This was the first time that Huo Yuhao was being punished in this manner. In fact, Ju Zi was...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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