“Mommy returned right at that moment. I can still clearly remember that her face was exceptionally pale as she stumbled over to daddy's corpse, before she leapt forward onto his body. She was still muttering under her breath, 'I told you that I would bring you misfortune, I would bring you misfortune! Why did you have to choose an ominous woman like me? I hope I will be forgiven in another world.'“I wasn't even able to call out to her before she took out a small knife and viciously stabbed herself in the chest,” Na Na's voice was shaking. “Mommy's blood splattered all over daddy. She turned back towards me and raised her hand to touch me, but she seemed to lose all her strength, and she collapsed on daddy just like that.“I was bawling at first, but all of a sudden I couldn't cry anymore. My daddy left me and my mother killed herself before my very eyes in one day – I felt as if the entire world was going to crumble around me.”She paused for a while, and her eyes seemed to grow slack. “A stranger appeared right at that moment. He said insidiously,...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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