The Ice Empress stared at Huo Yuhao with a blank look on her face, and seemed a little lost.Huo Yuhao heaved a faint sigh and said, “I have always had three wishes. My first wish is to avenge my mother, and for everybody who hurt her to pay. This is my duty as a son. My second wish is to find Dong'er again, so that we can be together, and that is for my own happiness. My third wish is to help you guys live on, and in a better life. You guys are the reason why I have achieved everything that I have, and to me, you are both teachers and friends. The only responsibility that remains after I have completed these three wishes will be to fight for Shrek and the Tang Sect.“I truly wish to see my three wishes fulfilled. Therefore, brother Skydream, every one of you can leave if you are able to. I will not be upset at all. I only wish that we can still be friends afterwards.”The Skydream Iceworm's voice became a little lower. “But you know that if we leave you – perhaps what we have fused with you will remain in your body – what the Ice Empress, the Snow Empress,...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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