There were fine golden waves rippling continuously around the black hole. These golden waves gradually froze and took shape, and Huo Yuhao discovered to his surprise that they actually took a strange eye-like shape, while the black hole in the middle was the pupil.This… is this my soul core?Elder Xuan was watching him from the beginning to the end. At this time, he shared the same shock and astonishment.Huo Yuhao had formed his own soul core as a Soul Sage. This was the first time he had heard of such a thing, let alone seen one! He had witnessed a miracle happen with own eyes, and was filled with pleasant surprise.Furthermore, he had obtained some inspirations from Huo Yuhao when he was compressing his mixture. Huo Yuhao's compression method was different from typical soul masters. He was clearly using a lot more spiritual power than soul power, and when his element finally fused with his soul core, his martial soul seemed to become his main guide. This order looked very important. In the instant when the soul core collapsed inward, its soul power undulations were unnaturally...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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