They went down for about twenty seconds. The enormous elevator began to shake once more before it gradually came to a stop.“Get ready for battle. There are two people – Dong'er will take the one on the left, and Qiu'er the one on the right.”Huo Yuhao's voice barely dropped before the elevator's main door gradually opened.“Eh, what's manager Li doing at a time like this? Is he sending alcohol to us?” Someone's voice could be heard. He sounded a little amused.Huo Yuhao's eyes flashed with golden light, and two m.u.f.fled grunts could be heard at the same time. Spiritual Shock!He was in his spiritual form, and he couldn't unleash his Spiritual Shock's real power. But what he could do right now was enough at a time like this.w.a.n.g Dong'er and w.a.n.g Qiu'er lunged forward like lightning bolts. w.a.n.g Qiu'er grasped her Golden Dragon Spear as she always did, while w.a.n.g Dong'er reached out with her right hand.The two people's automatic protective soul barriers bounced up as they were caught off-guard, but these barriers were immediately broken through by the two girls.The Golden Dragon Spear, and the Broken...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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