Jing Ziyan said, “You are so narcissistic, of course there's something wrong with your brain! What kind of dirty stuff do you have in your brain? Stay far away from me in the future! Don't infect me.” As she spoke, she even s.h.i.+fted a few steps away from Xu Sans.h.i.+.Although Huo Yuhao and w.a.n.g Dong'er were watching what was going on in the arena, their shoulders were twitching slightly as they hid their laughter.A wicked person would be afflicted by a similar personality. Xu Sans.h.i.+ was mocking everyone, but Jing Ziyan gave him a taste of his own medicine.Xu Sans.h.i.+ was in a daze as he stood there. After a while, his lips started to twitch and he flung his head to one side. “A strong person doesn't need anyone to understand him.”As they were conversing, the fight between Bei Bei and Ji Juechen began.The two of them were standing in the Sparring Arena, separated by fifty meters. Their soul rings rose at around the same time.While Bei Bei appeared gentle and refined most of the time,...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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