w.a.n.g Qiu'er's aura suddenly changed when she twisted her waist for that punch, and Huo Yuhao felt as if he were really facing an actual Golden Dragon in that moment. The enormous fist arrived before him, driven by an unrivaled and frighteningly huge strength. This was w.a.n.g Qiu'er's punch!They were about the same height. w.a.n.g Qiu'er's frame was long and slender, and her fist completely covered Huo Yuhao, even temporarily dispelling his Snowy Dance of Ultimate Ice. The power of Huo Yuhao's domain couldn't even conceal his body at that moment.It wasn't hard to imagine how terrifying w.a.n.g Qiu'er was at this instant.Huo Yuhao's Ice Empress' Wrath even felt a little stifled from that formidable draconic force, as if it was repressed within his body and he had no way of releasing it. The fist hadn't even reached him, but he already felt as if his body were about to break apart from that immense pressure. This was absolutely a matter of life and death!Huo Yuhao's eyes began to sparkle underneath all that pressure. His abilities were typically increasingly more explosive...This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.Enable auto unlock
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