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Alsar Chapter 16

Alsar Kisaragi Senju 16635 2024-08-04 16:54
听书 - 唐朝好驸马
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  14 9 / 2018

   Chapter 16 : Departure

  Malik-san came back home at evening, we had dinner together and I told him about my day. Including my complain because Chris-san paid everything for me.

  “Can’t you believe it Malik-san?! I didn’t get to spend any money at all today.. Chris-san bought them all for me..”

  “Well isn’t that alright? I think that Chris guy seems to be a good person despite all the rumors about him.”


  “Ah! W-w-well it’s an old story, don’t mind it!” Malik-san laughs a little awkwardly and then he starts,” Anyway tomorrow you’re going to start cooking, right?”

  I can feel that Malik-san is trying to change the topic abruptly.. But I will let it slide.

  “Yes, I’m going to cook lots of food!”

  “Don’t push yourself, okay?”

  “It’s okay, cooking is fun afterall~”

  Gradually, I’ve stopped using polite speech with Malik-san. In just one month, I can feel the distance between us shrinking. I feel like our child-parent bond is getting stronger now.

  Everyday, it’s become our routine to sit and lay back on the sofa after dinner and just talk about our day.

  I’m really happy because I never had this sort of bonding time with my parent before.

  “In 2 days, Ren will be gone. Be careful not to hurt yourself,’kay? Ah.. I’m going to be really lonely..”

  “I’m also going to feel lonely but.. I don’t want to remain an F-rank forever! I will be careful not to hurt myself though, so rest a.s.sured!~”


  Just like father and son, right?

  I feel like our conversation has a strange mood going on but I don’t know.. I never had father figure before so maybe that’s why I feel strange.


  ~The day of departure~

  “Fuu…Ah I’m glad I’m able to wake up right on time. I have to prepare myself and wake Malik-san up because he insisted that we wanted to see me off.” I yawn once again and stretch my arm out.

  I’ve promised Chris-san to meet him in the guild at 5 o’clock so I woke up at 4 o’clock to prepare myself.

  I quickly get out of my bed and change into the new clothes that Chris-san bought for me.

  It’s a navy blue long sleeved s.h.i.+rt along with black pants.

  My magic bag,mantle and dagger is inside the living room. I also already prepared the dark boots that Chris-san chose for me on the porch. For the time being, I’m going to wear my slipper while I’m inside the house.

  After finished changing, I walk to Malik-san’s room and knocks on his door,”Malik-san? Wake up, Malik-san~”

  I hear a bustling sound before Malik-san replies,”… Ah.. I’m awake.. I’m awake.. Go prepare yourself first Ren, I will join you later.”

  Usually Malik-san won’t be awake for another 4 hours so it’s to be expected for him to feel sleepy but he was determined to see me off so there we have it.

  Fufufu, I actually feel happy that Malik-san willing to go such length to see me off though.


  I go to the kitchen and prepares breakfast for me and Malik-san.

  After a while, Malik-san came. He already changed his clothes so we sit down and start to eat together.

  “Ren actually there’s another two adventurers that I want to introduce to you. I already told them about you and since you’re going to depart with Chris, I told them to just meet with you in Calhea.”

  “Eh? An adventurer?”

  Ah I see.. So Malik-san wants me to give them my greetings as fellow adventurer since I’m Malik-san’s son?

  “Yes, they are called Silver Wolf and Ice Prince. Right now, they are in the royal capital but they already planned on returning to Pedrell after Calhea quest so I want you to return together with them.”

  The nickname they have for adventurer is really amazing.

  Crimson Red Malik,  Lightning Twin Sword Chris.. The nicknames sounds really strong!

  I wonder who come up with all those nicknames?

  I heard the people that get nicknames have to be at least rank adventurer so that means both of them are an rank adventurer as well then.

  Although it might be impossible, I wonder what kind of nickname will I receive when I reached rank?

  “Together? Okay then I will tell Chris-san about this too.”

  “In the past, Chris already took several quest together with them so I’m sure they should have known each other.”

  Now that I think about it..

  Aren’t I too acquaintanced with many high ranking adventurer?

  Right now, there’s 10 S-rank adventurer and 50 rank adventurer.

  I’ve met Malik-san who was a former S-rank and Chris-san who’s an rank adventurer and in addition I’m going to meet another two of rank adventurer.

  “I see.. I wonder what kind of person they are. I can’t wait to meet them.”

  “I already told them about you but.. I don’t know what kind of first impression they will have over you. Though I’m sure they will like you.”

  Most adventurer that I see in the guild is too rough and buff looking.

  Since Malik-san told me to come home together with them, they can’t be a bad person.

  Ah~ I wonder what kind of people they are.

  “I hope I won’t disappoint them then. Ah! It’s already 4:40! I have to go soon!”

  I forgot the time because it’s comfortable talking with Malik-san.

  I quickly collect the plates and wash them.

  “It’s only 5 minutes by foot to go to the guild so take your time Ren. You have to make sure that you don’t forget anything before you leave, okay?”

  “Umm.. I have my magic bag, my dagger, mantle and also.. My boots.. Ah! What to do, my heart won’t stop beating! Somehow I feel really excited!~”

   “I’m sure you can finish the quest perfectly! It’s okay Ren, everything’s going to be okay.” Malik-san says while he strokes my head.

  Malik-san often strokes my head whenever he had the chance.

  I don’t dislike it though, in fact I really enjoy it.

  I never had anyone stroke my head so affectionately like this ever since I was a child so it’s a little embarra.s.sing but it feels good to be stroked so I don’t mind the embarra.s.sment.

  “Ah.. Okay I’ve calmed down. Let’s go Malik-san!”

  I will be late if I let Malik-san keep stroking me like this! I need to go soon!

  “Ha.. I feel like I’ve put the nails on Chris’s coffin.. ”


  In 5 minutes, we’ve arrived at the guild. Chris-san already waiting inside on the first floor with Tord-san beside him. It seems like they had just finished breakfast too.

  Rus.h.i.+ng over to their table, I bow my head in greeting,” Good morning Chris-san, Tord-san. Chris-san, thank you for waiting. Tord-san, do you have the night s.h.i.+ft? Thank you for your hard work, Tord-san.”

  Chris-san smiles in return,”Good morning Ren-chan. No, I didn’t wait at all. In fact, I just got up a moment ago. You came right on time when I finished my breakfast.”

  “Good morning Ren-san! Today you’re going to depart to Calhea, right? Be careful there!” Tord-san adds. Even though it’s still in the dead of morning, Tord-san is as cheerful as ever. We’re only apart by one year but his spirit is really amazing. Maybe it’s because he’s a beastman?

  “I’m glad you didn’t have to wait for me, Chris-san and yes Tord-san. I’m going to depart now, I have Chris-san with me so you don’t have to worry about my safety.”

  “Actually, I think being with him is the most dangerous thing…” Tord murmur in low voice.

  “Eh? What?”

  Tord-san said something but it was too low for me to catch.

  The monsters in Calhea is at most a B-rank monster. Other than Chris-san, there’s also plenty of other rank adventurer that take part in Calhea quest so I think without a doubt, I’m going to finish the quest safely.

  “N-nothing!” Tord-san quickly replies.

  Chris-san gets up from his table and says,“Fufufu~ Thank you for your concern, Tord. I’m going now~”

  “Please come back home safely, Ren-san!” Tord-san hold both of my hands with too much force, it hurts but he seems to have a really serious look on his face that I can’t ask him to stop.

  Chris-san in a beat stopped Tord-san when he noticed my discomfort,“Yup, that’s enough Tord~ If you hold Ren-chan with your cat power without any self restraint like that, you’re going to hurt Ren-chan~”

  “Ah! I’m so sorry!” Tord-san immediately releases my hand.

  It’d be bad if I get hurt even before I start the quest so I’m grateful Chris-san stopped Tord-san.

  “It’s okay Tord-san, I’m not hurt. Thank you though Chris-san, I will be counting on you for today as well.” I bow my head to Chris-san.

  “Yup~ Just leave it to me~”

  I’m going to spend quite amount of time with Chris-san, so I have to make sure I have a good relations.h.i.+p with him. I don’t want Chris-san to hate me.

  “You guys… Don’t forget about me..” Malik-san suddenly appeared from behind me.

  I completely forgot about Malik-san!

  “Ah! Master! I didn’t realize you were there! Isn’t a bit too early for you to wake up?!” Tord-san says, equally as surprised as me.

  “Usually, yeah but today is a special day. Today is the day my cute son going to depart for his first subjugation quest. So I’m going to see him off.” Malik-san proudly says. He turns his eyes to Chris-san,” I will be counting on you, Chris.”

  “Of course~ I’m going to return Ren-chan here properly without any scratch!~ Leave it to me~”

  Malik-san is really like an overprotective father. I feel cherished.. Thank you Malik-san.

  “Okay Ren-chan, let’s head out to the stable. I’ve made reservation there to rent a horse.”

  “Okay! Then Tord-san, we will be leaving now, goodbye.”

  “Have a safe trip!”

  I leave the guild together with Malik-san and Chris-san to the stable.

  The stable provides the place for adventurer to store their private horse and the service to rent a house for a certain period of time. It need a pretty big land and the stench of animals is really pungent there so the location of the stable is on the outskirt of town, away from the central to not disturb the people.

  Malik-san and Chris-san is walking in front of me, while talking to themselves. I can’t quite catch their conversation, only bits of it.

  “————— alright ———— “

  “——I don’t mind———”

  Judging from Malik-san’s personality, they must be talking about me.

  Malik-san really cherishes me a lot but I wonder whether he’s too protective of me?

  “I see then.. I will be looking forward to it.. Father..?” Chris-san smiles to Malik-san.

  “It’s too soon to be calling me father, Chris.” Malik-san replies.

  The two of them are smiling at each other but I can feel their ice cold tension.. So scary..

  “Ah, I can see the stable!” I exclaimed.

  We’ve walked quite the distance from the guild, I already can see the stable. The closer I get, the more I feel excited. It’s like, ‘Ah I finally will get out of Pedrel to properly do a subjugation quest’ kind of feeling.

  “Yes, let’s go pick our horse~”

  Chris-san goes to the reception desk. Looking around, I can see multiple horse behind the fence.

   Since the people in Alsar is bigger than the people in Earth, naturally the horse is also considerably bigger.

  There’s also magical horse here, like devil horse and half-horse half-human kind of creature. All of them are properly domesticated so they won’t hurt us despite looking so scary.

  They’re also faster than normal horses and can properly run away if there’s a monster attacking. Though if the situations forces to, they can do self defense with the horn on their forehead.

  That’s why even though the cost to rent a magical horse is a lot higher than normal horse, the demand for magical horse is always high.

  “Thank you for waiting~ This is the horse that I often rents, it’s a male horse. His name is William~”

  Chris-san brings a black magical horse with him. He’s really big and his fur is really s.h.i.+ny too. He has one black horn protruding from his forehead. Standing normally, I can’t even reach the horse head but the horse greets me while bowing his head so I can see his face properly. He has gentle looking deep blue eyes.

  “Waaah~ What a cool looking horse! Nice to meet you, William.”

  “Right? Let’s get on him~ Ah but since William is too big for Ren-chan so it’d be hard for you to climb him, right? I will carry you then Ren-chan~”

  There’s a saddle for two people on William’s back. Ah I wish I can climb him on my own but looking at his monstrous height… It’d be impossible.. I want to search for stepping stair but there’s no such thing in here.

  But to be carried like a child even though I’m already 21 years old.. Ugh..

  “I understand, please help me Chris-san..” I says dejectedly.

  Chris-san grabs me under of my armpits with both of his hand and lifts me up. “Wow, Ren-chan you’re so light~”  

  He then continues to climb on William while hugging me. I don’t want to say it but truth is I fit snugly under Chris-san embrace like this. There’s nothing I can do though because the people in Alsar is considerably larger than me.

  Chris-san then put me on the saddle on the front and he took the seat on the back saddle.

  Turning my head to Malik-san, I say, “Well then Malik-san, I’m going now.”

  “ah.. Y-yeah.. Have a safe trip, Ren.”

  Malik-san seems fl.u.s.tered and surprised. I wonder why?

  “Is something wrong Malik-san?”

  “Eh? N-no. It’s nothing. Be careful not to hurt yourself, okay Ren?”

  “I will. Goodbye Malik-san.”

  I wave my hand to Malik-san who waves back as we leave the Pedrell City.

  Thus, begin my first journey.


  Malik’s POV !

  “I can’t believe it.. For him to put Ren on the front..” I murmur while looking at Ren’s leaving figure.

  Usually for a 2 seaters saddle like that, the people that hold the reins will be sitting on the front.

  Instead of sitting on the front, Chris sit on the back with Ren on the front.

  That way of riding in Alsar is usually done between lovers.

  It has the feeling like ‘I always want to hold you close.’

  “And also.. Our conversation earlier..”

   Before we reached the stable, I was talking with Chris about Ren.

  “Nee~ Malik-san, is it alright if I start to pursue Ren-chan with the purpose to become his husband?~”

  “Ah.. I don’t mind it but don’t you dare put your hands on Ren yet! Also, I had Silver Fox and Ice Prince asking about Ren too. They’re going to meet with you two in Calhea. I want all of you to return home together to Pedrell after finis.h.i.+ng your quest, okay?”

  When I speak the name of those two adventurer, I can feel Chris’s bloodl.u.s.t rising but he immediately suppressed it in an instant. If I was a lesser man, I wouldn’t have noticed it.

  “I see.. I will be looking forward to it then~ Is it okay if I call you father now?~”

  “It’s still way too soon to call me father..”

  Did he knew that I was trying to make all of them become candidates for Ren’s husband?

  “My intuition is correct. Christ must’ve fallen for Ren already and soon enough, the two of them will fall for Ren too.”

  When I listened to the story when Ren went shopping with Chris, I knew for sure that Chris already deeply in love with Ren.

  I might be become like a meddlesome old man, but I can’t help myself.

  I do this because I’m worried about Ren’s future.

  Living in Alsar is hard if you’re weak and frail so it’s better if Ren can have a strong husband(s).

  “Ah it’s a long way to go home but there’s Ren’s home cooked meal waiting for me. Well, there’s still a few hours left before I have to go to work, I guess I will sleep for a few hours first.”

  After praying for their safety, I walk back home.


  Horse (?) Introduction!

  Name : William

  Shoulder Height : 180 cm (it doesn’t include the height of his head when standing straight)

  Eye color : deep blue

  Fur color : Black

  Usually, the normal shoulder height for magical horse is around 160-170cm.

  T/N : SO! We have the clue for another members of the harem! What kind of person is Ice Prince and Silver Fox? *drumrolls* For the next chapter, we will finally be able to see Ren’s first step to become a proper adventurer!~

  Chapter 17 (not yet)


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