Who's that?
It's not Zanthos' daughter or something, right?
"Don't make Lillith out to be the monster! I know that it was the rogues that killed Llana. You're f.u.c.king sick if you think that I will believe your bulls.h.i.+t," Zanthos snarled.
"Zanthos!" Granny Ada chided when she suddenly came down the hall with a tray of food in her hands.
Her lips were pursed into a grim line.
"It is true. I told Eros to keep this from you in case it hurt you even more," Granny Ada commented with a rather stern look on her face, showing how serious her words were.
I knew she wanted to say 'in case you go crazy and kill us all, forcing us to kill you in the end.'
"Then tell me, why? Why would she kill our daughter? What motive did she have to do that?" He was shouting loudly now, and his features were rapidly changing as his anger got the better of him.
Me being the coward I am, took a step back behind Eros.
"Zanthos. You knew how damaged she was from the fight previous when she killed our pack members. She was scared that Eros would easily kill her before she could heal if you weren't able to protect her," Ada continued.
Zanthos remained quiet.
And I could hear the sound of his teeth grinding together.
"You know that the ingesting of a pup's heart can increase your healing and strength by 10 fold." Ada didn't seem too happy to say this next line because I could see her eyes become wet.
"Don't," Zanthos ground out.
"That night when Llana died, I found Lillith with her claws in Llana's chest. She ripped out Llana's heart and devoured it in front of me." Granny Ada dabbed at her wet eyes with the sleeve of her s.h.i.+rt, looking away as she told him what had happened. "How many more did you want to die because of her? Me, Eros or...you?"
The expression in Zanthos' eyes was heartbreaking, full of unfulfilled rage and anger that no longer had a purpose.
It was like his entire world had collapsed around him, leaving him completely and utterly helpless.
He looked devastated.
In a way, I feel bad for him.
"I don't think I can do this," I whispered to Eros.
My fingers tightly curled into the back of his white dress s.h.i.+rt as I hid behind him.
Eros' broad shoulder was facing me.
He stood in front, blocking me with his taller frame from the crazy crowd that had gathered before us.
Today was supposed to be my induction day into the pack, where I will be officially introduced as the Alpha Female to everyone, and I can't be any more nervous than I already am.
Most of the people gathered here knew about my involvement with the government, and I doubt they actually want me as their Alpha Female.
I tried to get Eros to push the date back as much as I could but, unfortunately, the day has come.
And, hopefully, it won't be as disastrous as what I think it will be.
For the most part, I am content being a person that stood in the crowd, immersed and hidden in the sea of people.
But, somehow, the G.o.ds had other intentions for me when they decided to 'gift' me with this magical womb and granted me an Alpha mate.
I'm not complaining but it would be nice to get a little break from all this action and drama for once.
Taking a sharp inhale of breath, I finally sidestepped from Eros' shadow to stand beside him.
I could barely look at the crowd of people when he reached out a hand towards me.
His small gesture was enough to anchor me back to safety and reality.
My heart slightly calms when I slipped my own hand into his, weaving our fingers together into a tight hold.
I really hope he doesn't mind my sweaty hands because when I get nervous, my hands sweat.
A lot.
From the corner of my eye, I could see Eros' lip twitch in response to my thought as if he found my predicament amusing.
Which it's not if you ask me.