I bit my nails nervously as i tell my mind to calm down. It not going to hurt. It's not going to hurt.. It's not going to hurt but why, why do I have to do the test? why can't he ask me himself?
I'm scare also embarra.s.sed, doing the test means them seeing my private which I'm so not comfortable with and I heard it going to be four people in the room. I don't know if they're going to inflict any object in me since it a text which I pray the doctor won't do.
My thoughts wanders to five hundred miles away from where I'm currently am, I became unconscious of the real world which I don't fancy at all. If I at all want anything, it's to block all the murmurings and whispers besides me that seems to never end.
"hw.a.n.gje pyeha! One of the Emperor's escort said out loud bringing me back to the present.
"What do he want?" I ask nervously and scared in my mind as I stand up in respect even though the linen cotton is still hiding my face and I know or hope while I pray that he doesn't barge inside as i'm still not his wife yet but I know he can come in if he wants to, I just pray that he respect me a little in front of his subjects as i'm so not ready to face him.
"His Royal Highness." one of his subject call trying to remind him that he is not supposed to be in here yet but also trying to save his head as he didn't move to stand in his front but instead stand by his side as he bow three times why saying His Majesty in a pleading tone continuously which I pray to G.o.d the Emperor to listen while i fight with my inner and outer scared self as i comfort my self with the thought that even if he is a monster, he won't kill me as he wants me to be his Queen.
"His Royal Highness, Lady Kim Nana is preparing for the virgin test after which if she is confirmed virgin the wedding ceremony will begin. Please have some patient." The man plead again as the others behind him all keel then bow as they say.." His Highness please have some patients!!" in unison.
"Enough!! he roar making my heart jump in fear then start moving towards me which cause my heart to be beating so fast.
"Wuji." his mom call making him stop then turn to her with one eyebrow raise up in anger making me ask myself ..how did she even know that he's in my room?
Oh My G.o.d, so many people are in my room and it scaring the s.h.i.+t out of me. Please mind, calm down ..relax.
Take a deep breath Nana, no one is going to hurt you. Just breathe in and then slowly breathe out.
Ahh, this isn't working" I said in my mind then s.h.i.+ver as ice chill race straight through me. I started shutting my mind in other to keep my panic self at bare but then cringe a little when Royal mother started to speak again .. for a moment, I had totally forgotten that I have unwanted companies.
"Son it's against the tradition for the Emperor to see his bride before the wedding and she haven't taken the virgin test yet ..for us to know if there is even going to be a wedding or not."
"Mother!" He called warningly making me realized that not even his mother can stop him from doing whatever he wants to do ..well here I am though, an outcast so i guess that's the prove for me that he can do anything he wants.
"Also for her sake son. You're going to scare her off before the main wedding process will even begin." The Queen said and that seems to stop him as his hands is now hanging loosely beside him instead of opening the cotton like he intended to do.
"No virgin test. I can verify it my self."
"You can't! His mom yell just as the same time his kingsmen bow down and pleas "His Royal Highness is wise and he will do the right thing!!
"Enough!!" He yell making everyone to keep quite, am sure even the ants too did.
"Son don't ..please; his mom said in a pleading voice as if realizing her earlier word of him can't doing what he want . "If you don't want people to question her then don't, It only going to be you, me, a elder and the doctor."
"No elder and I will agree to it." He said while looking at me but I know he can't see me fully as I can't quite well see him too because of the transparent cotton blocking our view but the amount I'm seeing makes me want to slap my face for thinking things I'm not supposed to.
"Son non of us will see anything but the doctor as there will be clothes covering her beside the doctor will also be the one to deliver all her and your children in the future. Stop this possessiveness ..please." His mom plead but he didn't say anything, he just walk out of the door as his kingsmen, subjects or whatever that follows him around all stand and leave with him making me sign in relief.
"Strange way to say ok." I said in my mind then turn my head to see his mom looking at me furiously before she too leave the room. Instantly all the maids that knelt down when the emperor entered all stand up, some rush to me and started applying oils in my hair while the others dress me with the right attire for the virgin test making me cringe in my sit.