Hayashi Tomoaki | Popular | 连载中 13.27 M words | 0Recommend | 5Hits
Nagoyakawa Suzuran, she is very unlucky to find herself have to work as a housemaid at Iori Evil Corp to pay her debt to them. She went through all kind of troubles, her body used as a rat experiment, she is also being made to take charge on illegal dealings transactions. While later it was revealed that she is a holy lady that can call forth G.o.ds and one of the candidates qualified to be the Evil G.o.d. She is now being chased by 2 biggest society, the Shrine Society, a world scale religious group, and Iori Evil Corp. She returned to her normal life at one time, but no one would let the Evil G.o.d candidate/holy lady alone. She have to face devil, hi-tech weapons, katanas, and to sum it all, she have to stand against G.o.d who want to destroy the world.
Recent updates | 2024-08-04 20:16Update
Seiichi hayashi | Popular | 连载中 13.27 M words | 0Recommend | 5Hits
Uninvolved with the political movements of the time, Ichiro and Sachiko hope for something better, but they 're no revolutionaries; their spare time is spent drinking, smoking, daydreaming, and sleeping—together and at times with others. While Ichiro attempts to make a living from his comics, Sachiko 's parents are eager to arrange a marriage for her, but Ichiro doesn 't seem interested. Both in their relationship and at work, Ichiro and Sachiko are unable to say the things they need to say, and like any couple, at times say things to each other that they do not mean, ultimately communicating as much with their body language and what remains unsaid as with words.
Recent updates | 2024-08-04 19:05Update