Kanzaki Kurone | Popular | 连载中 13.27 M words | 0Recommend | 4Hits
Oono Akira, a working adult that can be found anywhere was transported to a different world while logged into a character known as the “Demon Lord” a game he manages. There he meets a child with a disabled leg and they begin to travel together, but there’s no way that others will leave a “demon lord” with such overwhelming strength alone. While being targeted by countries and saints that are trying to subdue the demon lord, they cause turmoil wherever they go. Demon lord on the outside, normal person on the inside, a misunderstanding type fantasy!
Recent updates | 2024-08-04 20:12Update
Kanzaki Misora | Popular | 连载中 24.14 M words | 0Recommend | 5Hits
This novel is about a boy who rescues two princesses and is introduced to their milk culture which centers around breast milk among other things. It includes lactation and oyakodon. I’ll be categorizing this as the Milk Series, but with the exception to 2 Milk Princess sequels, it’s really just a collection of unrelated milk-themed novels by the same author. I have no intention of translating all of them.
Recent updates Prologue | 2024-08-04 20:04Update
Kanzaki Mizora | Popular | 连载中 46.53 M words | 0Recommend | 7Hits
As a reward for preventing the a.s.sa.s.sination of the current king, Rou Coral is rewarded with becoming and escort of the Royal Princess Reaina who the boy adores so much. Thus begins his new life of servitude under his beloved high-headed Princess full of happenings and happy little accidents. Surrounded with Busty Head Maid, young Loli Princess and a Childhood Friend Maid, for the boy knight today is yet another day of struggle in this womanly paradise!!
Recent updates Prologue | 2024-08-04 19:55Update