SilentK | Popular | 连载中 3.60 M words | 0Recommend | 4Hits
Imagine one day you are a normal fourteen-year-old trying to start high-school and the next thing you know, you are on your way to becoming the worlds first protector. Becoming... Well, I guess you 'll have to wait and see.
Recent updates | 2024-08-04 21:01Update
SilentK | Popular | 连载中 13.27 M words | 0Recommend | 3Hits
If you were given the ability to eradicate your greatest enemy. The ability to transcend above the average human... Would you take that opportunity..? What happens if that ability falls into the wrong hands..?Kazuto a fourteen-year-old boy who has been constantly abused by his wicked auntie and uncle. He is finally given the chance for revenge. What will he do...?
Recent updates | 2024-08-04 21:00Update
SilentK | Popular | 连载中 3.60 M words | 0Recommend | 3Hits
Imagine one day you are a normal fourteen-year-old trying to start high-school and the next thing you know, you are on your way to becoming the worlds first protector. Becoming... Well, I guess you 'll have to wait and see.
Recent updates | 2024-08-04 20:59Update
SilentK | Popular | 连载中 13.27 M words | 0Recommend | 3Hits
If you were given the ability to eradicate your greatest enemy. The ability to transcend above the average human... Would you take that opportunity..? What happens if that ability falls into the wrong hands..?Kazuto a fourteen-year-old boy who has been constantly abused by his wicked auntie and uncle. He is finally given the chance for revenge.What will he do...?
Recent updates | 2024-08-04 20:55Update